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e <br /> 30 April 2005 ' <br /> • AGE-NC Project No 00-0769 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> 23 WELL HEAD SURVEY <br /> On 19 January 2005,a California state-licensed survey engineer from Morrow Surveying re-surveyed <br />' the elevation at the top of the well casings (towc) of monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-9 ` <br /> Coordinate locations (x, y and z) of well locations were calculated to the nearest 0 1-foot using <br /> coordinate datum NAD 83 from global positioning satellite (GPS)observations The results of the <br />' well survey are reported ins Table 1 The surveying report (Morrow Surveying) is presented in <br /> Appendix D <br /> 3.0. FINDINGS <br />' Ground water elevation,flow direction,and gradient were inferred from field data The hydrocarbon <br /> impact to ground water was quantified by laboratory analysis of ground water samples <br />' 3 1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT <br />' Depth to ground water was between 27 60 feet(MW-8A)and 32 10 feet(MW-5E) below the tops <br /> of the well casings on 01 December 2004 Ground water elevations ranged from 14 67 feet(MW-1) <br /> to 19 13 feet (MW-5E) below mean sea level (MSL) Ground water elevation data is presented in <br />' Table 1, contoured ground water elevation data is presented in Figures 3 through 6 The elevation <br /> and gradient for each hydrogeologic unit is described below <br /> HU-1 <br /> , <br />' Based on ground water elevation data collected in HU-1 Upper Zone (25 feet to 51 feet bsg), the, <br /> potentiometric surface consists of a east-west trending ridge or high Ground water is inferred to flow <br /> away from the ridge towards the east, north and south at a hydraulic gradient of 0 003 foot per <br />' foot (ft/ft)(Figure 3) <br /> HU-2 <br /> Based on ground water elevation data collected in HU-2 (112 feet to 125 feet bsg), the inferred <br /> ground water flow is towards the south to southeast at a gradient of 0 003"ft/ft (Figure 4) , <br /> HU-3 <br />' Based on ground water elevation data collected in HU-3 (140 feet to 160 feet bsg),the ground water <br /> flow direction is generally towards the south with a gradient of approximately 0 009 ft/ft(Figure 5) <br /> IAdvanced GeoEnvsronmental,Inc <br /> i <br /> c J <br />