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1 <br /> 2 BACKGROUND <br />' The site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Charter Way and Lincoln <br /> Street in Stockton, California (see Figure 1) The property is located in a commercial area <br /> and is currently being used as a transmission repair shop Based on information provided <br />' by San Joaquin County Public Health Services (SJCPHS), two USTs were present and the <br /> site was historically used as a retail service station, with gasoline dispensing activities <br /> ceasing sometime in the 1950s One UST and one dispenser island was removed, however, <br /> date of removal is unknown Based on information provided by SJCPHS, in February <br /> 1996, Thorpe Oil of Lodi, California, removed the remaining UST Residual hydrocarbons <br /> were detected beneath the UST However, total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and <br /> diesel, and benzene were below laboratory detection Iimits The approximate tank <br /> locations relative to site structures are shown on Figure 2 <br /> In the vicinity of the subject property is a former ARCO Service Station, a Chevron <br /> Service Station, a Texaco Service Station, a former Colombo bakery, and a former Dolly <br /> Madison facility, which all previously had or currently have USTs Based on data collected <br /> from subsurface investigations performed at the former ARCO Service Station, Chevron <br /> Station, and Texaco Station (located at the corners of Charter Way and Lincoln Street), <br />' residual and dissolved hydrocarbons have been detected beneath these facilities and a <br /> commingled plume exists beneath Charter Way and Lincoln Street The main hydrocarbon <br /> constituent detected in groundwater is gasoline The groundwater plume has not been <br /> delineated, but it extends downgradient as far as Van Buren Street Figure 3 shows the <br /> location of some of the adjacent properties <br />' SACNN\PJZ\2613\2613 1000 IBB-95\11b 2 Rev 0,2/5/97 <br /> 22613-100 001 2-1 <br />