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Using a decontaminated bailer a water samples will be taken from <br /> the water at or near the surface of the water table, unless <br /> otherwise indicated. Water will be placed within the prescribed <br /> container for the tests required. The containers will be filled <br /> so that zero headspace is present in the sealed vial one drop of <br /> concentrated HCL will be added, then they will be placed in a <br /> cooler containing ice until delivered to the lab. Samples must <br /> be analyzed within 14 days of sampling. Trip blanks will <br /> accompany all sample containers. A Chain of Custody will be <br /> filled out by the sampler, detection limits must be supplied by <br /> the laboratory. <br /> Well or Boring Abandonments: <br /> All wells and borings will be destroyed once no longer needed. <br /> The following steps will be followed: <br /> 1 . Check the well to see if the hole is open to its original <br /> drilled depth, if not clean out the hole. <br /> 2 . The upper 20 feet of the well will be sealed with bentonite <br /> grout, or neat cement with 5% bentonite grout. The lower portion <br /> of the well can be filled with clean grout or sand whichever is <br /> more convenient. <br /> . 3 . Impervious seals will be placed between aquifers, a depth of <br /> 20 feet for each seal if possible. <br /> 4 . All materials will be placed with a trime pipe if the depth <br /> • <br /> Page 7 <br />