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On June 26 , 1995, we returned to the site and performed another <br /> hydropunch test 3 feet south of the original HP-2 site. This <br />' well was tested by first performing a CPT boring to 65 feet bgs <br /> and then placing a hydropunch into the borings and opening it <br /> between 55 and 60 feet, where the CPT log indicated the first <br /> groundwater existed. A water sample was obtained and delivered <br />' to the analytical laboratory, as with the sample from HP-1. <br /> The three borings were grouted with hydrated neat cement from the <br /> tbottom to the surface. <br /> FINDINGS <br />' The groundwater flow is to the East northeast at a gradient of <br /> 0. 0018 Ft/Ft. The groundwater level has fallen about 1 . 2 feet since <br /> the last reading. Figure 1 shows the water table elevations. <br />' The aquifer is confined in the area around borings BM-9 , HP-1 and <br /> 2. The aquifer becomes unconfined under the Darpetro Station. <br />' This was proven from the dry clay sample obtained from boring HP- <br /> 2 which came from a zone between 45 to 50 feet, even though the <br /> potentiometric surface was measured at 44 feet below the surface <br /> in the wells on the site. See Figure 3 in our report of <br /> October 10, 1995 , which is a site cross-section. <br /> The groundwater contamination is reported in Table I . Figure 2 <br /> shows the TPH contamination levels from the sampling of June 19 , <br /> 1995 for wells BM-4 ,5,6 , 7 and 9 and the contamination found in <br /> wells BM-8, 10 and 11 from the quarterly monitoring of April 25 , <br />' 1995. <br /> Since the purpose of these two Hydropunchs was to prove the <br /> existence of another plume entering this site, we sampled the <br /> t closest wells for contamination at the same time the hydropunch <br /> samples were obtained. <br />' On Figure 2 , we have drawn in the approximate 10 mg/L contour <br /> line showing the position of the two plumes at that level . The <br /> encroaching plume is labeled "Other Plume" . It appears the two <br /> plumes commingle somewhere between wells BM--4 and BM-7 and the <br />' contamination in wells BM-6 and 10 could be entirely from the <br /> "other plume" . <br />' The hydraulic gradient has been to the northeast. A gasoline <br /> plume will migrate in the direction of the hydraulic gradient. <br /> The TPH concentrations between BM-9 , HP-2, BM--7 and BM-4 do not <br /> 1 conform to the gradient direction. Those concentrations are <br /> 13 . 5, 12 .0 , 8.89 , and 14 . 2 respectively. The presence of a higher <br /> concentration of contamination up gradient from our source area <br /> can only be explained by assuming another plume source. <br /> The fact that soil samples from BM-3 ,6 ,and 7 were basically free <br /> of contamination, as well as the soil sample at 50 feet in HP-2 , <br />' Page 2 <br /> 1 <br />