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Water sampling Procedures: <br />' The equipment used to withdraw water from the well will be a PVC <br /> bailers. At the samplers option, he may purge the well with an <br /> electric pump. All equipment including the bailers, bailing <br /> cord, water depth measuring devise and the pump and electric <br />' lines and hose must be decontaminated prior to entering any well. <br /> They will be decontaminated by washing with Tri-sodium phosphate <br /> detergent and water and thoroughly rinsing them with clean water. <br />' The well will be purged and a water sample will be taken <br /> immediately after purging. <br />' The depth to groundwater will be measured from the highest point <br /> on the top of the casing to the surface of the water table. The <br /> devise used will be an electric conductivity devise which trips a <br /> red light and a buzzer when the probe touches water. A minimum <br />' of three measurements will be made at each well , the final <br /> reading will be noted after 2 or more readings do not vary by <br /> more than 0.01 feet. The total depth of the well will also be <br />' measured. This information along with water parameters mentioned <br /> later will be entered onto the sampling sheet. The well volume <br /> will be calculated according to the formula supplied. <br />' The presence of floating free product will be checked by noting <br /> the depth of the water and marking that level on the probe ware. <br /> The probe and wire will be withdrawn from the well and dried. <br /> Liquid paste or chalk will be placed on the probe and up the side <br /> of the wire for 2 feet (could be higher depending on the depth of <br /> the plume) . The probe is then carefully lowered into the well so <br />' that the probe Dust touches and records the water table, care is <br /> taken not to lower the probe below the water table. Once the <br /> probe has signaled the water table the probe is withdrawn quickly <br /> from the well and the liquid level above the water level point on <br />' the probe is measured. This liquid level is the floating product <br /> thickness and will be recorded on the sampling sheet. <br />' Water samples will be obtained as follows: <br /> A) First, one full well volume of water will be withdrawn from the <br />' well; <br /> B) The parameters of pH, conductivity or resistivity, and <br /> temperature will be measured. The color, odor and presence of a <br />' sheen of the bailed water will be noted; <br /> C) A 2nd and 3rd well volume of water will be withdrawn and the <br />' parameters remeasured, if the results vary by more than 10% then <br /> step C is repeated; <br /> D) The well will be allowed to recover to 80% of its original <br />' volume or 2 hours have passed then a sample will be withdrawn and <br /> placed in a 40 ml vial supplied by Sherwood Laboratories of <br /> Hilmar California. Sherwood Labs supplies the sample vials with <br />' the proper amount of Hydrochloric Acid in each bottle, so no <br /> 1 <br />