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to TABLE 5 for a summary of those results. <br /> The high levels of TPH-G detected in the water samples were not <br /> expected, since those in the soil samples were very low. It was <br /> mentioned by ESE, Inc. that the known groundwater contamina- tion <br /> site diagonally across the street, (Exxon Gaso, ) may be the <br /> source. More recent monitoring work at both the Morita & Gaso <br /> sites supports that analysis. <br /> The groundwater contamination problem is a separate issue from <br /> the subject of this report, and will be addressed in other <br /> documents. <br /> Because of the very low levels of contamination encountered in <br /> soil samples below 20' , it is not considered feasible to attempt <br /> insitu remediation. Removal of the contaminated spoil which was <br /> returned to the hole, and additional excavation to remove any <br /> remaining hydrocarbon components was agreed by all parties to be <br /> the best approach. On February 12, 1993, Jim Thorpe Oil , Inc. , <br /> (JTO, ) submitted a workplan to the San Joaquin County EHD for <br /> accomplishing that task. A copy of that workplan is attached as <br /> • EXHIBIT E. <br /> S �Y OFDOI� UNDER WORKPLAN SURMITTEED 2/12/1 93: <br /> Work began on March 31, 1993, by JTO personel using a 690C exca- <br /> vator and a 966D front loader. Concrete was removed from the <br /> area occupied by the pump island, and placed to one side for <br /> later removal. Heavy gauge black plastic was placed in an area <br /> at the southeast end of the property, and also at the north end <br /> adjacent to the existing building. Clean soil was to be placed <br /> on the north side, and contaminated soil in the area south of the <br /> building. <br /> Under the direction of Wm. Hunter, RG, from Wm. J. Hunter & <br /> Associates, (WJH, ) the excavator was located on the south side of <br /> the existing excavation, and began by removing the top 6' of <br /> fill , which was not contaminated. The soil was placed on the <br /> asphalt adjacent to the hole, and then picked up by the front <br /> loader and placed on plastic at the north end of the property. <br /> Below a depth of about 6' , a definite petroleum odor was noted, <br /> although no visible staining or discoloration was evident. The <br /> contaminated spoil was moved by the front loader and placed on <br /> Plastic at the southeast end of the lot. The removed spoil <br /> consisted primarily of tan to brown sandy loam, with occassional <br /> layers of "hardpan. " Visual observation indicated that the con- <br /> tamination was highest near the end of the piping trench. A dark <br /> gray layer of clay, (9"" to 12" thick, ) at a depth of about 10-12' <br /> 4 <br />