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on the northwest wall had a very strong odor and visable <br /> moisture However, there was no odor to that moisture, and when <br /> placed in water only a very faint film appeared. <br /> The excavator was relocated to the SE side of the excavation & <br /> continued to remove spoil, which was placed on the plastic by the <br /> front loader The top 3' to 3' 6" consisted of black slightly <br /> sticky peaty loam, which was underlain by tan to light brown <br /> clayey sand & sandy clays. There was no visual evidence of <br /> contamination, and the petroleum odor disappeared below about 15 <br /> feet. <br /> Operations ceased for the day about 4PM due to a fiat tire on the <br /> front loader which prevented it from moving the spoil removed by <br /> the excavator for storage on the plastic. The property was <br /> securely fenced and locked to prevent vandalism_ <br /> Work continued on April 1 , under the direction of the geologist. <br /> Excavation continued on the southeast side of the pit; the spoil <br /> was moved to the area at the south end of the property There <br /> were no odors or other evidence of contamination noted, and it <br /> . was decided to move the excavator to the north side where the <br /> pump island had been located. M_ Thorpe, operator, began <br /> removing soil in the are of the pump island and fill lines. Most <br /> of the material consisted of damp to wet sticky blue-black gumbo <br /> clay There were occassional pockets which had a strong sour <br /> odor, ( "dirty socks, " ) which is typical of this type of oxygen <br /> poor, stagnant water deposit. <br /> The machine ramped into the trench area, removing spoil to a <br /> depth of about 6' and 8' wide. No petroleum odors were noted <br /> in any of the removed spoil . Excavation continued to the end of <br /> the pit area, and after removing some more soil from the north <br /> wall, operations were discontinued and preparations were made to <br /> take samples. <br /> Under the direction of Michael Collins, REHS, soil samples were <br /> collected from the teeth of the excavator bucket by Wm. Hunter, <br /> RG, by driving a clean brass tube into the soil, promptly <br /> covering the ends of the tube with teflon tape & plastic end <br /> caps. Each tube was then securely sealed with duct tape, <br /> Properly labeled, and placed on ice. A total of 13 soil samples <br /> were taken from the excavation & trench area; the approximate <br /> locations are shown on PLATE V. After completing that task, 14 <br /> soil samples were taken from the spoil piles as directed by Mr. <br /> Collins, they were sealed, labeled and preserved using the same <br /> protocol as the other samples The 14 spoil pile samples were <br /> • then combined into 7 composite samples. After discussions with <br /> 5 <br />