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Mont,, Brothers Service Station 7 July 16, 1992 <br />' hole location beneath the product line and dispensers to assess the vertical extent of <br /> impacted soil beneath this probable source The seventh soil boring (TH-7) was <br /> positioned to assess the lateral extent of gasoline concentrations in the soil to this <br />' area Boring TH-3 was position between the former leaking tank and product line to <br /> provide lateral information on both possible sources <br /> Thirty soil samples were sent to Beckman Environmental Laboratory, of Porterville, <br />' California, a state-certified laboratory for chemical analysis. The soil samples were <br /> analyzed for total purgeable hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline with a minimum <br /> detection limit of 05 mg/kg, and the fuel constituent volatile aromatics benzene, <br /> toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) with a minimum detection limit of <br /> 0 005 mg/kg using USEPA Test Method 5030/GCFID, and USEPA Test Method 5030/8020, <br />' respectively Two soil samples which field screened as having the greatest <br /> concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons from both borings TH-1 and TH-2 were <br /> submitted for analysis for the presence of total lead with a minimum detection limit <br /> of 0 025 mg/kg by the USEPA Test Method 7420 Because the results of this analysis <br />' exceeded 13 mg/kg, these four samples were also analyzed for soluble lead with a <br /> mmimum detection limit of 05 mg/kg by SW 6010 <br /> Three of the thirty samples analyzed contained detectable levels of total purgeable <br /> hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline TPH as gasoline was detected at a concentration of <br />' 0 54 mg/kg at a depth of 40 feet in boring TH-1, which was slant drilled 250 to the <br /> south from the north side of the 5,000 gallon unleaded gasoline tank excavation TPH <br />' as gasoline was not detected in boring TH-1 in samples from 25, 30, 35, 45, 50, and 55 <br /> feet TPH as gasoline was detected at a concentration of 0 81 mg/kg at a depth of 35 <br />' feet in boring TH-3, which was drilled 10 feet northwest of boring TH-1 TPH as <br /> gasoline was not detected in boring T14-3 in samples from 15, 25, 45, and 50 feet TPH <br /> as gasoline was detected at a concentration of 5 85 mg/kg at 30 feet in boring TH-4, <br /> which was drilled 15 feet west of the west side of the former 5,000 gallon unleaded <br /> gasoline tank TPH as gasoline was not detected in boring TH-4 in samples from 20, <br /> 40, and 45 feet TPH as gasoline was not detected in any of the samples analyzed from <br /> borings TH-2, T14-5, TH-6, and TH-7 <br />' E13-8101-3 9207-EO37 WP <br />