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f <br /> 1 <br /> Morita Brothers Service Station 8 July 16, 1992 <br /> %IN <br /> Z—E <br /> ' The gasoline constituent volatile aromatic, benzene was detected in twenty-one of the <br /> thirty soil Samples Benzene was detected at a concentration of 1 0 mg/kg at a depth <br /> of 30 feet in boring TH-4 Benzene was detected at a concentration of 0 16 mg/kg at a <br /> ' depth of 40 feet in boring TH-1 Benzene was detected at a concentration of 0 11 <br /> mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet in boring TH-2 Benzene was detected at a concentration <br /> 1 of 011 mg/kg at a depth of 25 feet in boring TH-3 Benzene was detected at a <br /> concentration of 01 mg/kg at a depth of 45 feet in boring TH-4 The other sixteen <br /> ' samples which detected the presence of benezene, detected benzene at a <br /> concentration of less than 01 mg/kg <br /> ' The gasoline constituent volatile aromatic, toluene was detected in ten of the thirty <br /> soil samples Toluene was detected at a concentration of 1 3 mg/kg at a depth of 30 <br /> ' feet in boring TH-4 Toluene was detected at a concentration of 0 097 mg/kg at a <br /> depth of 45 feet in boring TI-1-4 Toluene was detected at a concentration of 0 041 <br /> mg/kg at a depth of 40 feet in boring TH-4 Toluene was detected at a concentration <br /> of 0 036 mg/kg at a depth of 35 feet in boring TH-3 The other six samples which <br /> ' detected the presence of toluene, detected toluene at a concentration of less than <br /> 0 015 mg/kg <br /> The gasoline constituent volatile aromatic, ethylbenzene was detected in four of the <br /> thirty soil samples Ethylbenzene was detected at a concentration of 016 mg/kg at a <br /> ' depth of 30 feet in boring TH-4 Ethylbenzene was detected at a concentration of <br /> 0 021 mg/kg at a depth of 25 feet in boring TH-3 Ethylbenzene was detected at a <br /> concentration of 0 007 mg/kg at a depth of 45 feet in boring TH-4 Ethylbenzene was <br /> detected at a concentration of 0 005 mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet in boring TH-2 <br /> Theasoline constituent volatile aromatics total xylenes were detected in ten of the <br /> g � Y <br /> ' thirty soil samples Total xylenes were detected at a concentration of 086 mg/kg at a <br /> depth of 30 feet in boring TH-4 Total xylenes were detected at a concentration of <br /> 0 042 mg/kg at a depth of 35 feet in boring TH-3 Total xylenes were detected at a <br /> concentration of 0 032 mg/kg at a depth of 40 feet in boring TH-1 Total xylenes were <br /> detected at a concentration of 0 031 mg/kg at a depth of 45 feet in boring TH-4 Total <br /> xylenes were detected at a concentration of 0 02 mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet in boring <br /> ' EB-8101-3 9207-EO37 WP <br /> ■ <br />