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' 07 October 2003 <br /> �. AGE-NC Project No 95-0121 <br />' Page 4 of 7 <br /> 3 2 LABORATORY RESULTS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> 1 <br /> TPH-g was detected in water samples collected from wells VW-4 and VW-6 at concentrations of <br />' 1,500 micrograms per,hter(,ugll) and 150 pg11, respectively (Figure 4) TPH-d was not detected in <br /> any of the analyzed samples <br />' Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene constituents(BTEX)were detected in the ground water <br /> sample collected from well VW-4 at concentrations of 270 µg11, 6 ug1l, 83 ,ug/1 and 68 pg/l, <br /> respectively <br />' Utilizing EPA Method 826013, MTBE was detected In the water sample collected from well VW-4 <br /> at a concentration of 14µg/l 1,2-DCA was detected in water samples collected from wells VW-4 <br />' and VW-6 concentrations of 17 ,ug/l and 9 2 ,ug1l, respectively No other fuel components were <br /> detected during the laboratory analysis <br />' Previous and current analytical results of ground water monitoring well samples are summarized in <br /> Tables 3 and 4 The laboratory reports(Cal Tech Environmental Laboratories Sample I D 0306-076- <br /> 1 through 5) and chain-of-custody forms are presented in Appendix B <br /> ' e <br />' 4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> The Implications from the June 2003 ground water monitoring event are as follows <br /> • Ground water flow direction for the area bound by wells MW-1 through MW-9 was Inferred <br /> to be towards the northeast at a gradient'of 0 001 fl/ft or less (Figure 3) The flow direction <br /> likely represents the lower sand level or semi-confined aquifer at the site and may not <br /> represent the upper most water table flow direction <br /> • Due to the low gradient at the site, slight variations in ground water measurements or <br /> changes of recharge/discharge of the local ground water could greatly modify ground water <br /> flow direction <br /> I • Between February 1991 and May 1998, ground water elevations at the site significantly <br /> increased from 26 'feet to 7 feet below mean sea level (msl), however, ground water <br /> measurements collected between May 1998 and present have generally fluctuated very little <br /> between 7 feet and 1 I feet below msl (Table 2) <br /> • Ground water data collected from VW-I through VW-7 are representative of shallow ground <br /> I water conditions, however, ground water data collected from wells MW-1 through MW-9 <br /> were generally between 6 and 16 feet below the ground water table, and probably yields <br /> samples more representative of deeper ground water conditions (Table 2) <br /> s Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br /> I <br />