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03 August 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0121 <br /> Page 6 of 7 <br /> 4.0. PROCEDURES <br /> All field procedures will be overseen by an AGE representative under the supervision of a California <br /> Registered Geologist Procedures for a ground water draw-down pump test, for collection of soil <br /> samples for microbial enumeration and physicochemical analysis and for an ORC pilot study are F <br /> outlined below ' <br /> 41 GROUND WATER PUMP TEST PROCEDURES <br /> A forty-eight hour drawdown pilot test will be performed to evaluate feasibility of ground water <br /> drawdown in conjunction with SVE <br /> A four-inch ground water drawdown pump will be placed at the bottom of extraction well EW-1 and <br /> utilized to induce a decline in static water level, submersible pressure transducers and transmitters r <br /> will be deployed in wells VW-8, VW-9, AW-5 and MW-Lto measure difference in ground water <br /> levels before well pumping versus during well pumping Ground water levels will be continuously <br /> . monitored by a four-channel analog data logger, ground water pumping rates will be increased at <br /> regular intervals to achieve optimum pumping rate for the greatest drawdown influence General <br /> lithology, beneath the site and well screen depth intervals are depicted in cross sectional view on <br /> Figure 3 <br /> Purged ground water will be containerized in a 20,000-gallon Baker tank, a composite"grab"ground <br /> water samples will be collected from the Baker tank for analysis of TPH-g, TPH-d, BTEX and <br /> MTBE The purged ground water will be discharged into the City of Stockton sewer system pending <br /> regulatory approval or be transported to a suitable ground water hazardous waste disposal facility <br /> 42 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION j <br /> Soil probe borings will be advanced using direct push technology (Geoprobe 5400 soil probing unit) <br /> Relatively undisturbed soil samples will,be collected at five foot intervals beginning at 15 feet bsg <br /> using a Geoprobe soil sampling assembly loaded with pre-cleaned 1 125-inch by 6-inch brass <br /> sleeves Upon sample retrieval, the exposed ends of the second brass sleeve will be covered with <br /> Teflon sheets, capped and sealed with tape Soils encountered in the borings will be visually <br /> classified by an AGE geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) <br /> Additionally, soil samples will be field-screened for the presence of volatile organic compounds <br /> using an organic vapor meter (OVM) <br /> • Following sample collection, each soil sample will be labeled with the boring location, depth, time, <br /> Advanced CeoEnvironrnental,Inc <br />