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' 12 March 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0121 - <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br /> (TPH-g and TPH-d, respectively), <br /> 1 • EPA Method 8020 for volatile aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and,xylene <br /> BTEX) with methyl-tertiary butyl ether(MTBE), and <br />' k ' • EPA Method 8260 for tertiary butanol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tent butyl <br /> ether(ETBE), tert amyl methyl ether (TAME) and MTBE <br /> t3.0. FINDINGS <br /> ,Froin ground water monitonng field data, AGE was able to determine groundwater now direction ' <br /> and gradient Laboratory analysis of nine ground water samples detected TPH-g and BTEX in five <br /> of the nine samples, MTBE was confirmed in three ground water samples <br />' 3 1 RELATIVE GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT w <br /> During the December 1998 monitoring event, depths to ground water from wells MW-1 through <br /> MW-9 were measured between 14 75 and' 16 22 feet below the top of well casings, relative ground ' <br /> water elevations were calculated between 83 85 feet and 84 39 feet Ground water elevation at the <br /> site decreased an average 0 60 feet between the August 1998 and the December 1998 ground water <br /> monitoring events, decreasing ground water elevations have been observed at the site since May <br /> 1998 The ground water elevation data for MW-I through MW-9 during the December 1998 ground <br />' water monitoring event is depicted in Figure 3 <br /> Ground water monitoring data collected in December 1998 in the area of wells MW-1,MW-2, MW- _ <br />' 3, MW-6, MW-7 and MW-9 indicated that the ground water flow direction was generally toward the r <br /> northeast at a gradient of 0 003 ft/ft, or approximately 16 feet per mile (Figure 6), data collected in <br />' the area of wells MW4, MW-5 and MW-8 indicated that ground water flow dii ection was generally' <br /> toward the northwest at a gradient of 0 002 ft/ft, or approximately 11 feet per mile Ground water <br /> was approximately 14 to 17 feet above the screened intervals in monitoring rvells MW-1, MW-2, <br />' MW-3 and MW-5, ground water was approximately 7 to 10 feet above the screen intervals at MW-4, <br /> MW-6, MW-7, MW-8 and MW-9 Therefore, the wells are "drowned", and may not yield samples <br /> fully representative of ground water conditions near the top of the saturated zone, where fuel <br />' hydrocarbons would be expected to have the greatest impact <br /> r <br /> Advanced GeoEnviron mental,Inc <br /> 1 j <br />