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CitologtCalTtclrirfcslxc. <br /> Page 7 <br /> Revised Site Conceptual Model Report k <br /> Project No.507.2' <br /> April 3,2008 <br /> �Vk i <br /> ❑ Silt layers are present at 9 — 13 feet bgs beneath the clays. The silts are moist and <br /> brown to olive in color. Atl 1 feet bgs the color changes to olive with white, caliche <br /> like horizontal fractures present (no effervescence with HCl application). <br /> ❑ Below these silts, clayey sands are present from 13 — 15 feet bgs. These sands are <br /> very fine grained, brown iii color, moist and <br /> have white carbonates veins. Na soil <br /> was recovered from the 15 = 16 feet bgs interval due to plugged sampler tip. <br /> ❑ At 16- 18 feet bgs there is a grey clay unit with white carbonate veins as above. <br /> ❑ ,From 18 — 34 feet bgs there are sand units of varying grain size and degrees of <br /> grading. The sands range fro very fine to coarse grain in size, are light to dark grey <br /> in color, and are moist to saturated. All of the soils in this interval have a strong <br /> gasoline odor. In the bottom of this interval, 32 — 34 feet bgs, there are 1/a-V2" thick <br /> blue-green colored fine sand lenses in a coarse, grey sand matrix. <br /> ❑ Below:the sands the lithology returned to clays at 34 feet bgs. The clays at this depth <br /> are grey, with a single 1" thick, coarse sand layer similar to sands above. <br /> ❑ At 35 feet to the boring terminus at 36 feet bgs a silt layer was encountered. The silts <br /> are grey in color, moist and have whine carbonate veins. <br /> Boring SB_91 <br /> The subsurface in the vicinity of borehole SB-9 is characterized by alternating layers of <br /> G sands, silts and clays very similar to'the other borings but with more sand evident at depth: <br /> _ ❑ The top three feet in this location is fill material characterized by red brick fragments <br /> and grey road base material.l' <br /> ❑ At 3 feet bgs a brown slightly <br /> $ m moist,st, silty clay is present that contains lmm thick <br /> I white, carbonate lamina. The silty clay continues to a depth of 5 feet bgs but the color <br /> changed to black then greywith a hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg) odor. <br /> ❑ More claywas encountered at 5 feet <br /> bgs but the grey, slightly most soil had a distinct <br /> petroleum odor at this level rather than the sulfide odor above. <br /> ❑ The clay was underlain by a.,silty clay present at 10 feet bgs. This dark grey, slightly <br /> moist soil contained white carbonate veins and a strong petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ At 11 feet bgs the clays transitioned to a brown color with prominent white carbonate <br /> veins and strong odor as above. <br /> i ❑ From 15 — 23 feet bgs there are sand units of varying grain size and degrees of <br /> grading. The sands range from very fine to medium grain in size, are light grey to <br /> dark in'color, and are moist to saturated. All of the soils in this interval have a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> o At 23 feet bgs silty clay units are present. The clays are grey, moist and have a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ From 27 - 31 feet bgs silt/sandy silt units are present. The slits are grey,moist or wet <br /> and have a strong petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ From 31 feet bgs to the boring terminus at 36 feet bgs there are sand units of varying <br /> grain size and degrees of grading. The sands ranges from very fine to medium grain <br /> in size,!are light grey to dark in color, and are moist to saturated. All of the soils in <br /> 't this interval have a strong petroleum odor. <br /> . .. J <br /> S <br /> y <br /> 1Ir J <br /> 1 <br />