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CtologtcalTeclrxtcsluc Page 8 <br /> Revised Site Conceptual Model Report <br /> Project No.507.2 <br /> April 3,2008 <br /> GeoProbe Borings GP-4 and GP-5 <br /> *' On February 28, 2008 two shallow 30 ft GeoProbe borings were installed to further defile the <br /> site. The subsurface in the vicinity of GP-4 is characterized by: <br /> ❑ At 5 feet bgs brown, slightly moist,very fine grained, silty clay was present. <br /> a At 10 feet bgs brown, slightly moist, very fine to fine grained sandy clay was <br /> encountered. <br /> ❑ Brown moist clay was found at 15 bgs. <br /> ❑ The clay was underlain by clayey sand present at 20 feet bgs. This grey, moist soil <br /> contained a strong petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ At 25 feet bgs dark blue/grey, moist silty clay was encountered, again with a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ At 30 bgs a dark grey, moist, clayey silt was encountered, again with a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> The subsurface in the vicinity of GeoProbe GP-5 is characterized by: <br /> ❑ At 5 feet bgs and again at 10 feet bgs,brown, moist, very fine grained sandy clay was <br /> present. <br /> ❑ At 15 feet bgs a black, moist to wet sandy clay was encountered. <br /> ❑ A clayey sand present at 20 feet bgs underlay the clay. This grey, moist soil of <br /> L- varying grain size contained a strong petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ At 25 feet bgs dark blue/grey, moist silty clay was encountered, again with a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> ❑ At 30 feet bgs dark grey, moist clayey silt was encountered, again with a strong <br /> petroleum odor. <br /> J6. As expected, the subsurface in the vicinity of GeoProbe 4 and 5 is dominated by clay <br /> sediments, with a clayey sand unit at approximately 20 feet below ground surface. <br /> Figures 4, 6 and 8 provide a geologic interpretation of the units observed in the borehole logs; <br /> see Figure 3 for Cross Section locations. Note: The cross sections were developed using <br /> data gathered by different individuals utilizing different methodologies. Therefore, they need <br /> to be booked at as one of several possible interpretations of actual site conditions.) <br /> The cross sections include lithologies divided into fine grained units (slits and clays) and <br /> LM coarse grained units (sands). This is particularly true in the vicinity of the three continuously <br /> cored borings SB-7 through SB-9 that were advanced at the site on rune 30, 2006. The <br /> purpose of these three boreholes was to determine if sandy or silty soils are present that have <br /> not been detected previously due to the 5 foot sampling interval used in the past. The results <br /> of that investigation showed that there are sandy units in shallow soils and the cross sections <br /> show sandy soils at 15 -- 35 feet although some thin clay units are present. Photographs <br /> included in GTI's September 5, 2006 "Additional Site Characterization Report" are reiterated <br /> below: <br /> V <br />