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FOX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. <br /> 8015 West Cliff Drive • Knoxville, TN 37919 • (6151690-1996 <br /> August 1, 1985 <br /> Mr. Kelly Williamson <br /> Kayo Oil Company <br /> 1221 E. Main Street <br /> Chattanooga, TN 37408 <br /> RE: Fast Gas Station <br /> 800 E. Highway 12 <br /> Lodi, CA 95240 <br /> Dear Mr. Williamson: <br /> During the week of July 8, 1985, two additi nal groundwater monitoring wells <br /> were installed at the Fast Gas station located at 800 E. Highway 12 in Lodi, <br />_ California. <br /> The purpose of the new wells was to further define the plume of product that <br /> ' exists on the groundwater beneath this loca ion. On July 10, 1985,, using a <br /> truck mounted B61 mobil drill, equipped witi a 7 inch hollow stem continuous <br /> flight auger, a bore hole was drilled to a lepth of 67 feet where a stiff <br /> clayey tense was encountered. A 2 inch sch dule 40 PVC monitor well was <br /> installed to a depth of 65 feet, utilizing 10 feet of slotted screen and 35 <br /> feet of solid pipe. This combination of screen and pipe allows for 10 feet <br /> of rise and 20 feet of fall in the groundwa er. This monitor well is desig- <br /> nated MW#14 and is located 211 feet north of MW#4. MW#4 is a shallow well with <br /> a depth of 20 feet, which does not allow for groundwater assessment. Through- <br /> out the boring of this well, split spoon samples were taken at 5 foot intervals <br /> and at no time were there any detectable signs of hydrocarbons in the samples <br /> or in the cuttings. <br /> Monitor well MW#15, located 15 feet west ani 4 feet north of MW#I, was drilled <br /> to a depth of 75 feet and a monitor well with a total depth of 67 feet 10 inches <br /> was installed, utilizing 30 feet of slotted screen and 37 feet 10 inches of <br /> solid pipe. Split spoon samples were taken every 5 feet and there was no de- <br /> tectable hydrocarbon presence-down to 40 feet where a distinct odor and an <br /> explosimete.r reading of 40% L.E.L. were rec rded. At 45 feet, hydrocarbon <br /> odor was still present and an L.E.L. reading of 35% was recorded. Groundwater- <br /> was encountered at 43.5 feet in the course Df drilling and a grab sample of <br /> the groundwater was void of any visible hydrocarbon. <br /> Subsequent to the installation of MW#14 and MW#15 a physical inspection was <br /> made of the underground storage tanks and leaks were discovered on the leaded <br /> rhe u�la and regular unleaded tanks where a retrofit had been made during the <br /> connecting of the vapor recovery system. It is not possible to calculate the <br /> amount of product that has been lost due to this unfortunate situation, but <br /> all indications are that the loss was sizable. The leaks have been repaired <br /> and the entire product distribution system has been tested for tightness. <br />