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3.0 RESULTS <br /> 3.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Flow Direction <br /> The depth to groundwater on March 26 was between 24 5 and 25 feet below grade (Table <br /> 1) These depths are approximately 6 inches less than those that were measured in <br /> January Using the three-point method to contour these values yields a groundwater <br /> elevation (piezometric surface) map with a uniform gradient of 0 0013 ft/ft sloping to the <br /> northeast (Figure 3) This is the first time since the wells were installed that the flow <br /> direction was to the northeast, although the regional groundwater elevation map prepared <br /> by the San Joaquin County Flood Control District in 1993 shows the water table sloping <br /> in this direction <br /> 3.2 Laboratory Results <br /> Hydrocarbon concentrations in JLM-4 were slightly above the detection limit in June <br /> 2002 and January 2003, but were below the limit in September 2002 and again in March <br /> 2003 (Table 2) This well is probably located close to the northeastern limit of impacted <br /> groundwater In JLM-3, the TPH-g, benzene, and ethylbenzene concentrations rose <br /> sharply after declining in the previous two quarters, while toluene, xylene, MTBE, and <br /> 1,2-DCA remained stable Like JLM-3, concentrations in JLM-5 rose sharply after <br /> declining for the two previous quarters The results are plotted in Figure 4 <br /> The TPH-d concentration in JLM-3 was nearly identical to the TPH-g concentration, <br /> prompting the question of whether the reported diesel might actually represent degraded <br /> gasoline However, the laboratory reported that the TPH-g chromatogram was <br /> representative of relatively unmodified gasoline, while diesel-range compounds were <br /> significant in the TPH-d chromatogram This suggests that both gasoline and diesel are <br /> present at similar concentrations Diesel was also detected in JLM-5, at a concentration <br /> about 4 times greater than in JLM-3 <br /> 4.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> For three consecutive quarters, water-elevation data indicated that groundwater flow is to <br /> the southeast This quarter, the data suggest that flaw was northeast toward JLM-4 <br /> Despite this, no hydrocarbons were detected in JLM-4, while concentrations in JLM-3 <br /> increased after declining for the past 6 months In the Fourth Quarter 2002 Report, we <br /> suggested that the declining concentrations might be due to dispersion The sharp <br /> increase this quarter and the absence of hydrocarbons in JLM-4 might also suggest that <br /> there is a time lag between changes in the direction of groundwater flow and changes in <br /> hydrocarbon concentrations If so, concentrations in JLM-4 might increase during the <br /> second quarter of 2003 <br /> However, concentrations also increased sharply in JLM-5, which continues to be <br /> . upgradient of the source This increase could not be attributed to a change in groundwater <br /> flow direction or to an associated time lag At the same trine, there was very little change <br /> 3 <br />