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in the depth to groundwater in any of the wells, making it also unlikely that the <br /> concentration increases in JLM-3 and JLM-5 were due to changes in water depth Tidal <br /> influence could be a possible influence on the depth to groundwater and groundwater <br /> flow direction, but whether tidal influences could be great enough to result in changes in <br /> hydrocarbon concentrations is doubtful The only change in monitoring procedures this <br /> quarter was that the purged volume was increased from 6 to 10 gallons, whether this <br /> could have caused the increase in concentrations is uncertain, but it seems rather <br /> doubtful, especially since concentrations declined in JLM-4 Hence, the reason(s) for the <br /> incieases in JLM-3 and JLM-5 is/are uncertain at this time, and whether the changes are <br /> significant can only be determined after a long-term trend has been established <br /> • <br /> 4 <br />