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• 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Stratigraphy <br /> Boring JLM-2, which was drilled approximately 5 feet west of the 1995 remedial excavation <br /> (Figure 2), has been projected into Figure 3, a cross section that was drawn along the west wail of <br /> the excavation for the Site Remediation Report This section illustrates the site stratigraphy and <br /> the stratigraphie position of the samples from JLM-2 In 1995,ten stratigraphzc units were <br /> identified in the excavation walls (Units 1 and 8 were not evident on the west sidewall), and <br /> samples from JLM-2 are representative of five of these units The log of this boring is included in <br /> Appendix A <br /> Very-fine-grained to silty gray sand was recovered from JLM-2 at a depth of 10 feet This sample <br /> came from the lower part of Unit 2, which was mapped from the surface to approximately 11 feet <br /> on the west side of the remedial excavation <br /> In the excavation, Unit 2 was underlain by gray, clayey to sandy silt that was mapped as Unit 3 <br /> This unit was a few feet thick at the north end of the excavation but appeared to thin and pinch <br /> out southward(Figure 3) Boring JLM-2 apparently penetrated Unit 3 at a depth of 15 feet, <br /> encountering clayey, brownish-gray silt <br /> As shown in Figure 3, Unit 4 is a thin bed that was not sampled in JLM-2 This unit was <br /> described in the excavation walls as coarse-to-medium-grained, locally gravelly, sand <br /> . Underlying Unit 4 are several feet of brown clay that was noticeably weathered, locally cemented <br /> by caliche, and rooted in the excavation sidewalls In the Site Remediation Report, this unit was <br /> interpreted as an ancient soil (weathered B and C horizons) Sample JLM-2-20' was probably <br /> from the upper part of Unit 5 (Figure 3), although it was somewhat coarser grained, consisting of <br /> brown, fine-to-medium-grained clayey sand <br /> Samples at 25, 30 and 35 feet in JLM-2 all consisted of gray sand, ranging from very fine to <br /> medium grained These samples appear to be most characteristic of Unit 7, however,the upper <br /> contact of Unit 7 was mapped at 26 feet (1 foot below sample JLM-2-25') and the lower contact <br /> of this unit was mapped at approximately 32 feet(3 feet above sample JLM-2-35') Hence,the <br /> upper and lower contacts of Unit 7 in Figure 3 are probably off by 2-3 feet <br /> 4.2 Field Evidence of Contamination <br /> As noted on the boring logs (Appendix A), moderate to strong hydrocarbon odors were <br /> evident in JLM-2 to at least 25 feet PTD readings ranged from 1275 to 1800 parts per <br /> million (ppm) in these samples, but decreased to only 15 ppm at 30 feet and 8 ppm at 35 <br /> feet During the 1995 remedial excavation work, moderate to strong gasoline odors were <br /> detected in Units 2-5 from approximately 10 to 25 feet below grade During the <br /> subsequent sampling of the sidewalls, no odors were detected below 25 feet in Units 7- <br /> 10, matching the results from JLM-2 <br /> No hydrocarbon odors were detected in JLM-1, and PID readings were below 5 ppm for <br /> all samples <br /> 4 <br />