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feet and at 4,200 mg/kg in sample JL-P-15 in a sand layer at 12 5 feet (Figure 3) No <br /> hydrocarbons were detected in samples below the clay layer, and because organic vapor <br /> concentrations (PID readings) declined rapidly below this layer, Upgradrent <br /> Enviromnental interpreted the clay as a confining layer that inhibited downward <br /> migration of gasoline <br /> In July 1996, PHS/EHD requested further investigation of the residual contamination that <br /> was detected in samples JL-P-13 and JL-P-15 However, no work was performed until <br /> Mr Fisk discussed the matter with representatives of the CVRWQCB in mid-2001 These <br /> discussions led to the July 2001 request by Mr Marty Hartzell of the CVRWQCB for a <br /> drilling investigation work plan <br /> 3 0 PROCEDURES <br /> V&W Drilling of Rio Vista, California used a Central Mine Equipment CME-55 hollow- <br /> stem auger rig to drill the borings Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals in JLM- <br /> 2, beginning at a depth of 10 feet Oust above the 12 5 feet at which contamination had <br /> been detected in sample JL-13 during the remedial work in 1995) Sampling in JLM-1 <br /> began at 25 feet in JLM-1 (at the contact between native soil and backfill material) The <br /> samples were screened for the presence of organic vapors with a portable photo- <br /> ionization detector (PID), preserved in a cooled ice chest for later laboratory analysis, and <br /> described on the boring log (Appendix A) Groundwater was encountered at <br /> approximately 33 feet in JLM-2, and a disposable plastic bailer was lowered through the <br /> augers to collect a water sample A thin zone of groundwater was penetrated in JLM-1 <br /> dust above 30 feet, but the soil sample at 30 feet was dry Therefore, this boring was <br /> deepened, and a good flow of groundwater was encountered at approximately 36 feet <br /> The boring was terminated at 40 feet, and a bailer was lowered through the augers to <br /> collect a water sample Both borings were backfilled by pumping cement-bentonite grout <br /> through a tremmie pipe Drill cuttings were stored on plastic sheeting near the western <br /> property line <br /> Eight soil samples and two water samples were transported to Sequoia Analytical <br /> Laboratory in Sacramento, where they were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons <br /> as gasoline (TPH-g), and benzene,'toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) One soil <br /> sample and one water sample from JLM-1 were also analyzed for Total Petroleum <br /> Hydrocarbons in the diesel range (TPH-d) Four soil samples and both water samples <br /> were analyzed for gasoline oxygenates, ethylene dzbromide (EDB), and dichloroethane <br /> (1,2-DCA) as instructed by CVWRQCB Four soil samples were also analyzed for total <br /> lead The laboratory report is included to Appendix B, and the results are discussed in <br /> section 4 0 <br /> 3 <br />