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' 1 <br /> • 3.'0 EXCAVATION AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES <br /> 3.1 Vertical Extent of Contamination <br /> The first objective of the investigation was to determine the maximum depth of contaminated soil, if <br /> possible For operational reasons, excavation began at the north end of the product line trenches and <br /> worked southward <br /> A Caterpillar excavator was used to excavate the soil and stockpile it adjacent to the excavation The <br /> excavated soil, which emitted strong to very strong hydrocarbon odors during the first two days <br /> (November I6 and 17), was stockpiled north of the excavation A front-end loader worked <br /> continuously to load the stockpiled soil into dump trucks for transwrt and disposal Penocheally, <br /> Upgradient prepared a sketch of the sndewalls and screened the excavated soil for hydrocarbon vapors <br /> using a portable photo-ionization detector The PID readings were recorded on the sketches (Figure <br /> 3) <br /> PTD readings ranged between 250 parts per million (ppm) and 2,000 ppm on the north wall of the <br /> excavation throughout the morning of November 16 Because of these high readings, Upgradient <br /> directed the operator to don his respirator PID readings increased from west to east across the north <br /> wall By noon, the depth of the excavation had reached 25 feet and readings had decreased to 25-50 <br /> PPM <br /> Bid mud-afternoon, the excavator had reached its depth hrrut, and the operator ramped down to 11 feet <br />• to allow the excavation to be deepened to 35 feet Samples collected from the excavator bucket during <br /> this time period remained in the 20-35 ppm range, and a slight odor of degraded gasoline or diesel was <br /> noticeable <br /> At 3 00 p m , Mr Harlin Knoll arrived at the site and witnessed the collection of two soil samples from <br /> the base of the excavation Sample JL-P-7 was collected from a sand layer at an approximate depth of <br /> 35 feet, sample JL-P-8 was collected from a clay layer below the sand, at an approximate depth of 38 <br /> feet A slight odor was evident in JL-P-7, none was present in JL-P-8 <br /> Based on the recommendation of Upgradient, Elite TV requested that the samples be run on 12-hour <br /> turnaround to allow excavation to continue by 8 00 on the following morning (November 17) The <br /> samples were delivered to Excelchem Environmental Laboratories in Roseville and analyzed for Total <br /> Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the gasoline and diesel ranges and BTEX The chain-of-custody form and <br /> laboratory report are contained m Appendix A <br /> As shown in Table 1, no contaminants were detected in either sample Based on these results, <br /> Upgradient requested permission to discontinue further assessment of the vertical extent of <br /> contamination and approval to begin delineation of the lateral extent of contain nation Mr Knoll <br /> approved this request at 8 30 a m on November 17 <br /> 2 <br />