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Corrective Action Plan Page 7 <br /> extend from beneath the paving down to a depth of some 12 to 14 ft and penetrates into <br /> the deeper strata composed of loose sands <br /> Based on the results of analyses of soil samples and olfactory indicators noted on the <br /> boring logs, it appears that the total depth to which the soil has been contanunated in the <br /> vicinity of Well ULT 9 may have been locally influenced by excavations that were made to <br /> install the sanitary-sewer lateral that serves the property (Refer to Figure 6 for location ) <br /> In borings at distance from this area, the maximum depth at which the presence of <br /> components of gasoline was signaled by sample analyses or olfactory indicators was 14 ft <br /> or less <br /> REMEDIATION STRATEGY <br /> To develop a program for remediation of the subject property, the applicability of alternate <br /> remedial technologies was studied in the context of the site-specific geotechrucal, <br /> hydrogeologic, groundwater-quality, construction engineering, and site infrastructure and <br /> usage parameters and the interactions between them <br /> The principal constraints that control a remedial design for the site are the adverse <br /> subsurface conditions, the linuted zone within the plume of affected groundwater that is <br /> available for installation of remediation equipment and systems, and the regulatory limits <br /> on discharges to surface waters and to the air <br /> Strategic Design Considerations <br /> The following issues have strategic influence on the selection of a remediation technology <br /> and the design of a remediation system <br /> ❑ The preponderance of the contaminated soil in the subsurface is beneath the <br /> water table <br /> ❑ The soil strata beneath the water table include extensive formations of loose to <br /> very loose, highly permeable sands <br /> ❑ Two old, un-reinforced, brick structures (i a the RAS Car Wash budding at <br /> 124 East 11th Street and the Tracy Auto Parts building at 208 East 11th Street) <br /> are located within less than 60 ft of the site <br /> ❑ Gasoline contamination in groundwater has moved down gradient from the <br /> location where the underground storage tanks formerly on the site were situated, <br /> and has crossed the boundaries of the property along its frontages on East 11 th <br /> and "F" Streets (See Figure 6 for locations ) <br />