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Corrective Action Plan Page 4 <br /> DISTRIBUTION AND CONCENTRATIONS OF HYDROCARBONS <br /> Data Compilation <br /> Investigation of the distribution and concentrations of components of gasoline in the <br /> subsurface beneath the 152 East 11 th Street site has progressed in stages, with the results <br /> from each stage being used to plan subsequent stages of investigation and establish a <br /> groundwater quality monitoring program Where applicable, the results of the <br /> investigations performed for the subject property (i a 152 East 1 Ith Street) have been <br /> supplemented by available data from investigations performed for the Beacon station at <br /> 153 East 11 th Street (Refs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 ) <br /> For convenience of reference, measurements of depths to the water table and the results of <br /> analyses of all soil and groundwater samples that have been recovered from borings and <br /> wells installed for both the 152 and 153 East Street sites have been compiled in Tables 1, <br /> 2 and 3 respectively The available well logs are presented in Appendix A <br /> Interpretation of Area of Subsurface Affected by Release of Gasoline <br /> The geotechnical and geochemical data from the investigations performed for the 152 and <br /> 153 East Ilth Street properties have been synthesized and used as the basis for an <br /> interpretation of the extent to which the subsurface has been affected by hydrocarbons <br /> released at the 152 East Street site (Ref 9 ) This interpretation is presented in the form of <br /> the plan view on Figure 2 and the longitudinal- and cross-sections shown on Figures 3, 4 <br /> and 5 <br /> It is important to understand that, while the interpretations shown on Figures 2, 3 4 and 5 <br /> provide information needed to design a corrective action plan for the 152 East 11 th Street <br /> property, they are not intended to precisely define the exact boundaries of hydrocarbon <br /> fuel components affecting the subsurface Specifically, they should not be used for <br /> reaching a conclusion as to whether groundwater affected by hydrocarbons that may have <br /> i been released into the subsurface on the 152 E 1 lth Street site has, or has not, coalesced <br /> with hydrocarbon fuel components released into the subsurface at the Beacon Station site <br /> However, when taken together, the geotechnical, geochenucal and hydrogeological data <br /> that has been gathered support an interpretation that gasoline that leaked from <br /> underground tanks, or the associated piping, that were on the 152 East 11th Street <br /> property has moved down gradient from the point where those tanks and piping were <br /> formerly located toward the East 11th Street frontage of the site and has migrated some <br /> distance northward under the street <br />