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Corrective Action PlanPag e 3 <br /> subsurface (Ref 9 ) Groundwater pumping tests to evaluate the hydrogeologic properties <br /> of the soils beneath the site have also been conducted (Ref 11 ) <br /> Directly north of the subject property (i a 152 East 11th Street), and across 11th Street, <br /> there is a Beacon station located at 153 East 11th Street The station is owned by <br /> Ultramar Inc (Ultramar) of Hanford, California <br /> In connection with investigations of a release of hydrocarbon fuels at the Beacon station, a <br /> total of nine ground water monitoring wells have been installed on and around that <br /> property The SJCPHS has assigned the Ultramar property Site Code 1389 <br /> The locations of the monitonng wells that have been installed on the subject site at 152 <br /> East 11th Street that is owned by the Navarras, on the site of Ultramar Inc 's Beacon <br /> Station at 153 East 11th Street and in surrounding areas are shown on Figure 2 Wells <br /> installed for the Navarras are designated NAV and those installed for Ultramar are <br /> designated ULT <br /> GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY <br /> The subject property and the surrounding area are situated on level terrain on the distal, <br /> northern slope of an alluvial fan The underlying alluvial sediments are of Quaternary to <br /> Recent age <br /> Logs of the monitoring well borings indicate that the sans beneath the site includes clays, <br /> silty clays, sandy clays, clays with gravel, sands, silty sands and sands with gravel These <br /> clastic materials are distributed in a complex lenticular structure Areas beneath the streets <br /> adjacent to the property have been extensively excavated and backfilled for installation of <br /> sewers and other utilities <br /> The depth to groundwater is in the range 7 to 9 ft Seasonal variations s in the elevation of <br /> the groundwater table are less than one foot (Ref 12 ) The general direction of the <br /> groundwater gradient is northwest across the 152 East 11th Street property The slope of <br /> the groundwater gradient is typically about 0 003 ft /ft The groundwater contours shown <br /> on Figure 2 were constructed from measurements of the depth to groundwater in each of <br /> the NAV and ULT series monitoring wells that were made on July 8th 1993 (Ref 9) and <br /> are representative of the generally prevailing conditions <br /> Additional information about the geology and hydrogeology of the subject site and its <br /> environs is detailed in the appropriate sections of this report <br />