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EA �V L) <br /> Sampling Plan - 152 East 11th Street, Tracy, CA ��� � � Page 8 <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br /> NAV 2 PERMIT/SERVICES <br /> • The following wells on the perimeter of the affected area will be sampled to monitor any <br /> migration of the plume of contaminated groundwater and to check for any hydrocarbon <br /> fuels migrating into the area from upgradient or co-gradient sources <br /> On the East side of the plume <br /> NAV 5, NAV 7, ULT 5 and ULT 8 <br /> On the West side of the plume <br /> NAV 6 and NAV 8 <br /> The following wells are located at the furthest downgradient points and will be sampled to <br /> monitor conditions in that area (Note. No components of gasoline have been detected in <br /> Well ULT 3 since June of 1991 ) <br /> ULT 3 and ULT 4 <br /> Wells in the Interior of the Affected Area <br /> To monitor changes in groundwater quality in the interior of the affected area, where the <br /> existing data show some of the highest concentrations of dissolved components of gasoline <br /> the following wells will be sampled <br /> ULT 6 and ULT 9 <br /> Schedule <br /> Following a comprehensive sampling of all wells in the combined array, which is scheduled <br /> for June 1993, the selected plume-perimeter and interior wells identified above (i e NAV <br /> 2, NAV 5, NAV 6, NAV 7, NAV 8, ULT 3 ULT 4, ULT 5 and ULT 8, and ULT 6 and <br /> ULT 9) will be sampled twice per year, once in September and once in February <br /> The February and September schedule has been selected based on experience in evaluation <br /> of groundwater quality at other sites in the northern San Joaquin Valley where fuels have <br /> been lost into the ground That experience shows that groundwater elevations can be <br /> expected to be close to their seasonal maxima and minima, respectively, during those <br /> months If groundwater elevations and contaminant concentrations are measured at those <br /> times, the data permits the effects of seasonal variations in the direction of groundwater <br /> gradients and the effects of the water table moving up and down across any zones of the <br /> subsurface that are affected by fuel hydrocarbons to be evaluated <br />