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f <br /> J <br /> Extended Imestigatton of Groundwater Quality - 152 East 11th Street, Tracy Page 9 <br /> has been reported above, this well has been cleared of a plug of earth that was blocking its <br /> casing and its now My rehabilitated It is the furthest downgradient of all wells in the <br /> conibmed array that has been installed for the 152 and 153 East Street properties and is <br /> located at a suitable distance beyond the eastern perimeter of the affected area to serve as a <br /> good point to monitor any changes ni the distribution of hydrocarbons in the subsurface <br /> For these reasons, it is recommended that groundwater be recovered from Well ULT 8 in <br /> lieu of Well ULT 5 in the future sampling rounds that are included in the Plan 1/ <br /> i <br />