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a+ <br /> Extended Investigation of Groundwater Quality - 152 East 11th Street, Tracy Page 8 <br /> Street properties have been synthesized and used as the bans for an interpretation of the <br /> lateral and vertical extent to which the subsurface has been affected by hydrocarbons This <br /> interpretation is presented in the form of the plan view on Figure 3 and longitudinal and <br /> cross sections on Figures 4 through 6 <br /> A preliminary interpretation of the area of the subsurface that may have been affected by <br /> leakage of hydrocarbon fuels was previously made and was used to select the sites of <br /> monitoring wells NAV 5, NAV 6, NAV 7, and NAV 8 that were instaled on June 16th <br /> and 17th 1993 (Ref Workplan dor Further Soil And GrMdwater Assessment at 152 <br /> East 11 th StregLCaliform The San Joaquin Company Inc February 1993 ) The <br /> data obtained from these wells, and the results of the other investigations reported herein, <br /> broadly confirm the earner interpretation However, compared to the estimates made <br /> previously, the lateral extent'of the area affected of hydrocarbons is now interpreted to be <br /> more limited in the easterly and westerly directions along East 11th Streets due to the <br /> finding of no detectable concentrations of components of gasoline in airy of the sod or <br /> groundwater samples recovered from the new wells <br /> It is important to understand that the interpretations shown on Figures 3 through 6 are not <br /> intended to precisely define the exact boundaries of hydrocarbon fuel components affecting <br /> the subsurface Specifically, they should not be used for reaching a conclusion as to <br /> whether or not groundwater affected by hydrocarbons that may have been released into the <br /> subsurface on the 152 E 11th Street site has, or has not, coalesced with fuel components <br /> released into the subsurface on the Beacon Station site However, when taken together <br /> with the previously available data, the geotechnical, geochermcal and hydrological data <br /> reported herein support an interpretation that gasohne that leaked from underground tanks <br /> that were on the 152 East 11th Street property has moved downgadient from the point <br /> where those tanks were formerly located toward the East 11th Street frontage of the site <br /> and has probably migrated some distance northward under the street The data also <br /> indicates that the bulk of the hydrocarbons that were present in the subsurface at the <br /> Beacon Station at 153 East 11th Street was successfully removed by the remediation work <br /> that was conducted on that site in 1986 when the underground tanks were replaced and <br /> that any residual contamination of limited extent <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MODIFICATION OF SAMPLING PLAN <br /> The approved Groundwater Sampling Plan provides for modification of the specific wells <br /> to be sampled in future sampling rounds if information obtained during the progress of the <br /> Plan's implementation indicates that adjustments would be appropriate so as to best achieve <br /> the objectives of the Plan <br /> Although it is well positioned to monitor any downgradient or cogradient migration of <br /> contaminants, when the Plan was ongmally developed, Well ULT 8 was not included in the <br /> wells to be sampled m future rounds of sampling that are planned to follow the first, <br /> comprehensive sampling that was performed on July 8th 1993 This decision was based <br /> on available records that indicted this well had been "dry" since July 1991 However, as <br />