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1 and Safety Code section 25160 (b)(3) and California Code of Regulations, title 22, section <br /> 2 66262 .23 ; <br /> 3 4 .4 .b . 8 . Failing to contact the owner or operator of a designated facility that was to <br /> 4 receive hazardous waste from Defendant to determine the status of the hazardous waste, in <br /> 5 the event Defendant has not received a copy of the manifest signed by all transporters and <br /> 6 the facility operator within thirty-five (35) days of the date the waste was accepted by the <br /> 7 initial transporter, in violation of Health and Safety Code section 25160(b) (3 ) and <br /> 8 California Code of Regulations, title 22, section 66262.42; <br /> 9 4 .4 .b .9 . Failing to timely notify the DISC by filing an exception report concerning <br /> 10 a treatment, storage, or disposal facility' s failure to return any executed manifest, in <br /> 11 violation of Health and Safety Code section 25160 (b)(3) and California Code of <br /> 12 Regulations, title 22, section 66262 .42 , <br /> 13 4 .4 .b . 10 . Failing to maintain copies of hazardous waste manifests for three (3 ) <br /> 14 years , in violation of California Code of Regulations, title 22, section 66262 .40 ; <br /> 15 4 .4.b . 11 . Unlawfully failing to segregate incompatible hazardous waste items, in <br /> 16 violation of California Code of Regulations, title 22, section 66265 . 177; <br /> 17 4 .4 .b . 12 . Failing to comply with employee training obligations pertaining to the <br /> 18 handling of hazardous waste at the California Facilities, in violation of California Code of <br /> 19 Regulations, title 22, section 66262 .34(d) and 40 C .F.R. section 262 . 16(b)(9) (iii) ; <br /> 20 4 .4 .b . 13 . Failing to properly manage, mark, and store universal waste at each <br /> 21 California Facility in violation of the standards for universal waste management found in <br /> 22 California Code of Regulations, title 22, sections 66273 . 33 through 66273 . 36 ; or in the <br /> 23 alternative, failing to manage such waste as hazardous waste as required by Chapter 6. 5 and <br /> 24 its implementing regulations in California Code of Regulations, title 22, including, but not <br /> 25 limited to, section 66262 . 34 ; <br /> 26 4 .4.b . 14. Failing to keep a record of each shipment of universal waste sent from any <br /> 27 California Facility, in violation of California Code of Regulations, title 22, section <br /> 28 66273 . 39 ; or in the alternative, failing to manage such waste as hazardous waste in <br /> 7 <br /> STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION <br />