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i <br /> Mr Donald Kirk Page 7 <br />' September 22, 1997 <br /> igoals if applicable Exceedance of a PRG suggests that further evaluation of <br />' potential risks posed by a particular contaminant may be appropriate Results <br /> presented in the table indicate that the volatile aromatic hydrocarbon <br /> ethylbenzene exceeded the industrial soil PRG in samples UST1N-7, UST2N-7, <br />' and UST2S-7 Also, the total xylenes concentration in sample UST2S-7 exceeded <br /> the industrial soil PRG <br />' Ground Water Sampling <br /> Following collection of soil samples from each borehole, ERM collected one <br /> ground water grab sample, using the HydroPunch technique, from the <br /> downgradient boring in each of the four locations, UST1, UST2, FS, and FN The <br /> downgradient ground water direction was assumed to be north/northeast based <br />' on information from the ERM Phase I ESA To collect ground water grab <br /> samples, the Geoprobe rod was advanced approximately four feet below the <br /> depth of first encountered ground water (approximately 8 feet bgs) to ensure <br />' that a sufficient quantity of water would flow into the HydroPunch casing <br /> ERM submitted a total of four ground water samples to the laboratory for <br />' analysis These samples were not field filtered prior to being submitted to the <br /> lab in keeping with the objectives for screening level sampling (i e , to define <br /> lie "worst-case" ground water conditions at the site) The 40 ml VOA vials sent by <br /> the laboratory were preserved with hydrochloric acrd (HCl) to increase potential <br /> sample holding times However, during collection of the first ground water <br />' sample it was noticed that the HCl reacted strongly with the ground water as it <br /> was poured into the vial This created numerous bubbles which precluded <br /> eliminating headspace gas in the vials After consultation with a Quanterra <br />' laboratory manager, it was determined that the acid preservative was probably <br /> reacting to high calcium carbonate levels in the ground water To prevent this <br /> reaction, the Iaboratory recommended that the VOA vials be rinsed twice in the <br />' field with ground water to remove the HCI prior to filling with the ground water <br /> sample This change in sampling procedure was recorded on sample labels, <br />' chain of custody forms, and field notes <br /> Ground water samples from the presumed former UST locations were analyzed <br />' for TPH-gasoline, TPH-diesel, and BTEX, whereas groundwater samples from <br /> the fork lift locations were analyzed for TPH-Full Range (including gasoline, <br /> diesel, and motor oil), and for VOCs using EPA Method 8260 In addition, a <br />' laboratory prepared trip blank consisting of two VOAs was analyzed for VOCs <br /> using EPA Method 8260 Results for ground water samples are summarized in <br /> Table 2, Attachment A <br />' VOC detectionsresented in Table 2 are compared with primary maximum <br /> P p <br /> contaminant levels (MCLS) established for drinking water supplies by the State <br /> 1 <br />