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Mr Donald Kirk Page S <br /> ISeptember 22, 1997 <br /> . of California Primary MCLS are human health risk-based values established for <br /> water continually used for drinking or culinary purposes In using these <br />' comparisons, it is important to consider two factors First, as noted above, is that <br /> the ground water grab samples were not filtered prior to analysis Additionally, <br />' ground water beneath the site is not necessarily a potential drinking water <br /> supply It follows that comparison of these sample results to drinking water <br /> standards may not be applicable. This comparison is presented herein because it <br />' is one typically made by regulatory agencies (the RWQCB, in particular) as a <br /> point of departure evaluation It is noted that there are no applicable MCLs for <br /> TPH compounds <br /> The results presented for ground water samples in Table 2 indicate that benzene, <br /> ethylbenzene, and total xylene concentrations in samples collected downgradient <br />' of both UST locations exceed their respective MCLs TPH as gasoline (or <br /> degraded gasoline) was detected in ground water samples UST1N, UST2N, and <br /> FS3 Unknown hydrocarbons in the diesel and/or motor oil range were detected <br />' in the same three samples The highest concentrations of TPH (460,000 ppb <br /> gasoline, and 430,000 ppb unknown diesel/motor oil range) were detected in <br /> t sample UST1N The highest concentration of benzene occurred in sample <br /> UST2N (1,600 ppb), although sample UST1N had the highest concentration of all <br /> the BTEX constituents combined (27,350 ppb) <br /> CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on site reconnaissance, personnel interviews and limited soil and ground <br />' water investigation associated with the Phase II ESA, the following are ERM's <br /> conclusions regarding the areas investigated at the Heinz Tracy Factory <br />' • There appear to be USTs at the two locations investigated Although <br /> geophysical methods could not confirm the exact location, size, or orientation <br /> of the tanks, visual evidence such as possible fill or vent pipes combined with <br />' employee reports and grab soil and ground water sampling results strongly <br /> indicate the presence of USTs at these locations <br />' 0 Laboratory analytical results indicate that soils in the area north of the <br /> Forklift Shop have been impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons in the diesel <br /> and/or motor oil range, and that soils and ground water in the UST1 and <br />' UST2 locations, as well as the area south of the Forklift Shop, have been <br /> impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline or degraded gasoline plus <br />' selected VOCs <br /> • • Recognizing the exceedances of potentially applicable regulatory standards <br />' (industrial soil PBGs and California Primary Drinking Water MCLs) for TPH <br /> 1 <br />