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Following the groundwater level measurements, each of the wells was purged and sampled The <br /> wells were purged using a pump and disposable tubing until at least three well casing volumes <br /> were removed and/or after groundwater temperature, pH and electrical conductivity had stabilized <br /> ' Following well purging, groundwater was sampled from the wells using dedicated disposable <br /> bailers and laboratory-supplied containers, which were labeled, and transported in an iced cooler <br /> with chain-of-custody documentation to Krff Analytical, LLC (Kiff), a state of California certified <br /> hazardous waste testing laboratory (Certification #2236) Kiff analyzed the groundwater samples <br /> for TPH-as-gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether(ETBE), <br /> tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), tertiary butanol (TBA), 1,2-DCA and EDB by EPA Method <br /> 8260B <br /> ' 23 Cone Penetration Testing and Discrete Groundwater Sampling and Analysis <br /> On February 20 and 21, 2002, to evaluate the stratigraphy of, and any potential impact to, <br /> permeable groundwater-bearing soils beneath the water table, Gregg Drilling and Testing, Inc <br /> ' (Gregg), a state licensed drilling contractor (C-57 #656407), advanced one CPT boring (CPT-2) <br /> and collected discrete groundwater samples at two locations (CPT-1A and CPT-2) The locations <br /> are shown on Figure 3 Gregg's Presentation of Cone Penetration Test Data, dated March 8, <br /> 2002, is included as Appendix B <br /> ' At CPT-1A, Gregg advanced a single on-site soil boring in close proximity to the previous boring <br /> CPT-1 Based on the results from CPT-1, discrete groundwater samples were collected from <br /> CPT-1A at approximately 60 and 105 feet bgs <br />' At CPT-2, Gregg advanced a pair of soil borings The first boring was advanced to a total depth <br /> of approximately 145 feet bgs with the CPT system, which records tip resistance, sleeve friction, <br /> and dynamic pore pressure at five centimeter intervals Pore pressure dissipation tests were <br /> recorded when suspected groundwater-bearing zones were encountered during drilling The CPT <br /> plots, pore pressure dissipation plots, and interpretation output are included in Gregg's report <br /> (Appendix B) The second boring at CPT-2 was dedicated to collect discrete groundwater <br />' samples at approximately 60, 115 and 130 feet bgs <br /> 10 <br />