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t <br /> . 10 September 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 03-1100 <br /> Page 2of10 <br /> 2 2 GROUND WATER DEPTH AND FLOW DIRECTION <br /> Ground water is currently encountered at a depth of approximately 40 feet bsg in on-site ground <br /> water monitoring wells, the flow direction is generally towards the south to southeast Historically, <br /> the depths to ground water measured in the on-site monitoring wells and soil borings have ranged <br /> from approximately 39 to 46 feet bsg, relative ground water elevation maps for the site have been <br /> included in previous quarterly reports prepared by Wright Environmental Services, Incorporated <br /> (WES) and AGE <br /> 23 UST REMOVAL <br /> Two, 10,000-gallon capacity USTs and a dispenser island were formerly present at the subject site <br /> The dispenser island and USTs were located in the central portion of the site <br /> On 27 October 1992 the USTs, associated product piping and dispenser island were removed from <br /> the site by Falcon Energy Associated (FEA) Three soil samples were collected from beneath each <br /> of the USTs and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline(TPH-g)and total <br /> lead TPH-g was detected in analyzed soil samples at concentrations as high as 4,400 milligrams per <br /> kilogram (mg/kg) <br /> 24 PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATIONS <br /> On 17 August 1994 FEA advanced one soil boring(B 1) in the center of the former UST excavation <br /> to a total depth of 60 feet bsg Soil samples collected from 30 and 40 feet bsg contained detectable <br /> concentrations of TPH-g, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes A grab ground water sample was <br /> collected from boring B 1 TPH-g and benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene and total xylenes(BTEX)were <br /> detected at maximum concentrations of 76,000 micrograms per liter(µg/1)TPH-g, 38 µg/1 benzene, <br /> 310 µg/1 toluene, 4 8 µg/1 ethylbenzene and 6,800 µg11 total xylenes <br /> On 05 and 06 January 1999,Ramage Environmental(RE) conducted an additional investigation of <br /> the subject property Five soil borings were advanced for the collection and analysis of soil and <br /> ground water samples Three of the borings were completed as ground water monitoring wells <br /> screened from 30 to 50 feet bsg Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected <br /> during the January 1999 investigation The highest concentrations were encountered in samples <br /> collected from beneath the UST excavation <br /> On 25 April 2000, one Cone Penetration Test(CPT)boring was advanced at the subject property to <br /> determine the site stratigraphy and the vertical extent of impacted soil and ground water Soil <br /> Advanced Geo Ennronmental,Inc <br />