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10 September 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 03-1100 <br /> Page 3 of 10 <br /> samples were collected at 65, 70, and 74 feet bsg TPH-g and/or BTEX compounds were detected <br /> in all three soil samples analyzed A discrete ground water sample was collected at 60 feet bsg <br /> utilizing a SimulProbe sampling system,significant concentrations of TPH-g and BTEX compounds <br /> were detected in the analyzed ground water sample <br /> On 26 to 28 September 2001 monitoring wells MW4 through MW7 were Installed off-site MW4 <br /> and MW5 were Installed south of the subject site within the property boundary of the San Joaquin <br /> County Fairgrounds MW 6 was installed west of the subject property on the northwestern corner of <br /> Sierra Nevada Street and East Charter Way MW7 was installed north of the subject property on the <br /> eastern side of Sierra Nevada Street The wells are screened from 30 to 50 feet bsg All soil and <br /> ground water samples analyzed from the September 2001 investigation were below detectable limits <br /> for the constituents of concern <br /> On 20 and 21 February 2002, CPT1A and CPT2 were advanced at the subject property and <br /> surrounding area to determine the hydrocarbon impact to ground water Grab ground water samples <br /> were collected at 60 and 105 feet bsg in borings CPT1A and CPT2, an additional sample was <br /> collected at 130 feet bsg in boring CPT2 Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in ground water <br /> samples collected at 60 and 105 feet bsg at maximum concentrations of 59,000µg11 TPH-g,210µg11 <br /> benzene, 1,000 gg/l toluene,840 gg/1 ethylbenzene and 5,300 ug/l total xylenes from boring CPT1 A <br /> at 60 feet bsg <br /> On 23 through 25 September 2003, CPT3 through CPT5 were advanced in areas surrounding the <br /> subject property to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon impact <br /> The bonngs were advanced to a total depth of 124 feet bsg Discrete ground water samples were <br /> collected at approximately 55-60, 72-75 and 115-120 feet bsg TPH-g was detected in groundwater <br /> samples CPT3@73-77', CPT3@115-119' and CPT4@71-75' at concentrations of 90 ptg/l, 130 µg11 <br /> and 100 µg/l, respectively <br /> Analytical results of all previous investigations are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 <br /> 3.0. PROCEDURES <br /> Five soil vapor extraction wells (SVEI through SVE5) and three ozone sparge wells (OZ1 through <br /> OZ3)were Installed in December 2003 In January 2004, two soil vapor extraction pilot tests were <br /> conducted to evaluate SVE as a remedial alternative The SVE unit and associated piping were <br /> installed in August 2004 Field work was performed in accordance with guidelines issued by the <br /> Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) for the investigation of <br /> underground storage tanks (UST) sites <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />