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20 January 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br /> 3.0. FINDINGS <br /> A limited soil profile and the ground water elevation and flow direction were inferred from the field <br /> data The hydrocarbon-impact to ground water was quantified by laboratory analysis of the ground <br /> water samples <br /> 3 1 LIMITED SOIL PROFILE <br /> Saturated,poorly graded fine to medium sand was encountered from 70 feet to 79 feet and saturated <br /> silty sand was encountered from 79 feet 80 feet bsg in boring MW-15 (Figure 4) The lithologic data <br /> corresponded with the results from the December 2001 CPT investigation <br /> Organic vapor was not detected in the soil samples collected The PID data is included on the boring <br /> logs (Appendix A) <br /> 3 2 GROUND WATER GRADIENT AND DIRECTION <br /> The depth to ground water ranged from 48 21 feet to 57 73 feet below the tops of well casings <br /> Ground water elevations at the site ranged from 1 65 feet below mean sea level(MSL)in well MW-5 <br /> to 3 96 feet below MSL in well MW-13 Ground water elevations at the site increased an average <br /> of 0 52 feet between the September 2002 and December 2002 sampling events, but decreased an <br /> average of 142 feet between the December 2001 and December 2002 sampling events Ground <br /> water levels were within the screened intervals of water-table wells MW-1 through MW-14 and <br /> MW-16, but ranged from 20 to 60 feet above the screened intervals of the deep-screened wells <br /> MW-15 and MW-17 through MW-19 <br /> The ground water appears to flow radially outward between southwest at the western edge of the site <br /> and south at the central portion of the site and off-site The ground water gradient ranged between <br /> 0 007 ft/ft at the western edge of the site to 0 004 ft/ft off-site Figure 5 illustrates the contoured <br /> ground water elevations, historical ground water flow directions are summarized on Table 4 <br /> 3 3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> TPH-g was detected in ground water samples from wells MW-1,MW-4,MW-8,MW-9 and MW-14, <br /> screened in HUl, at concentrations ranging from 85 micrograms per liter (µg/1) in MW-4 to <br /> 3,300µg11(MW-8),TPH-g was also detected in sample MW-18,screened in HU3,at a concentration <br /> of 100 µgll TPH-g was not detected in wells screened in intermediate HU2 samples <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />