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' 14 S tember 2001 <br /> i � , <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br /> Page 6 of 9 <br />' 4.0. FIELD PROCEDURES <br /> All field procedures will be overseen by an AGE representative under the supervision of a California _ <br />' Registered Geologist Procedures for the advancement of soul borings, soil sampling, ground water <br /> sampling, monitoring well installation and development, equipment decontamination, and sample , <br /> shipment are outlined below <br /> 1' <br />' 41 CPT ADVANCEMENT <br /> Each CPT soil boring will be advanced to a depth of approximately 150 feet bsg utilizing a 25-ton <br /> w truck-mounted CPT drill rig equipped with,2'-inch diameter hollow-stem rods The initial soil boring <br />' in each location will utilize a hydraulic ram to advance a cone penetrometer to the desired depth Soil <br /> parameters such as cone bearing, sleeve friction, friction ration and pore water pressure will be <br />' measured as the cone penetrometer is advanced The data will be utilized to obtain a computer- <br /> generated interpretation of the penetrated soil lithology Rinseate generated during drilling will be <br /> containenzed in properly labeled Department of Transportation(DOT)-approved 55-gallon drums, <br /> and stored on-site Disposal alternatives will be evaluated at a later date based on laboratory results <br /> of rmseate <br /> 4 2 CPT GROUND WATER SAMPLING ` <br />' A second,paired ortwinned soil bonng will be located adjacent to the initial CPT borings forground <br /> water sample collection Based on the CPT findings,discrete groundwater samples will be collected <br /> in saturated intervals of sigmf cantly porous and permeable strata beginning at or below 80 feet bsg <br />' A HydroPunch sample tool will be pushed into the specified zone,then withdrawn approximately <br /> three feet to expose an inlet screen The interior of the sampling tool should fill with water and a <br /> 1-inch outer diameter (O D ) stainless steel bailer will be lowered and utilized to extract a ground <br />' water sample All rinseate generated during sampling will be containenzed in properly labeled <br /> DOT-approved 55-gallon drums, and stored on-site pending laboratory analysis of ground water <br /> samples <br /> I s <br /> Following sample collection, the samples will be placed in laboratory-supplied containers and <br />' transported'under chain-of-custody to a DHS-certified laboratory for analysis as descnbed above <br /> The samples will be transferred from the bailer into four 40-m1 EPA-approved volatile organic <br /> analysis (VOA) vials containing 0 5 ml HCI as a sample preservative Each sample container will <br />'r be labeled with the bonng/well designation, sampled interval, date, time and sample collector's <br /> initials <br /> Advanced GeoEnvaronmental,Inc s <br /> , t , <br />