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(w w <br /> 19 July 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> Soil samples were collected ahead of the drill bit using a California modified split-spoon sampler <br /> loaded with three pre-cleaned 2-Inch by 6-inch brass sleeves from wells MW-21,OW-1,OW-2 and <br /> OW-3 at five-foot Intervals, beginning at 10 feet below surface grade (bsg) using a 140-pound <br /> hammer to advance the sampler The number of blows required to advance the sampler over each <br /> 6-inch increment of the 18-Inch sampling interval was recorded on the boring logs Samples were <br /> collected from pilot borings MW-20 and MW-22 continuously using a 5-foot split-spoon sampler <br /> beginning at 5 feet bsg The sampler was driven every five feet with a hydraulic ram ahead of the <br /> drill bit, allowing for continuous soil recovery The soil was removed from the sampler and then <br /> placed on plastic for further examination Sampling equipment was washed in an Alconox solution <br /> and rinsed with water prior to each sampling run to minimize cross-contamination <br /> None of the soil samples collected from the pilot borings were submitted for laboratory analysis <br /> 22 LOGGING <br /> Soil was extruded from the brass sleeves or 5-foot sampler and was screened for the presence of <br /> • organic vapor using an organic vapor meter(OVM)equipped with a photo-ionization detector(PID <br /> Thermo Environmental 580B, 10 0 eV, calibrated to isobutylene), and the OVM readings were <br /> recorded on the boring log The soil was then visually described in accordance with the Unified Soil <br /> Classification System (see Appendix A) <br /> 23 WELL COMPLETIONS <br /> Pilot borings MW-20,MW-21 and MW-22 were completed as ground water monitoring wells using <br /> two-Inch diameter PVC casing with 0 020-inch slotted screen installed from approximately 50 feet <br /> to 70 feet bsg in each boring and with blank casing extended to the surface The filter pack (No 3 <br /> Lonestar sand)was installed from approximately 70 feet to 48 feet bsg A nominal 2-foot bentomte <br /> chip plug was then installed above the filter pack and hydrated Pilot borings OW-1, OW-2 and <br /> OW-3 were completed as ozone infection wells using manufacturer-assembled 2-inch by 30-inch <br /> microporous sparge points in each boring from approximately 68 feet to 70 feet bsg in OW-1,67 feet <br /> to 69 feet bsg in OW-2 and from 66 5 feet to 68 5 feet bsg In OW-3 One-Inch blank casing was <br /> extended to the surface The filter pack (#3 Lonestar sand) was installed from the bottom of each <br /> boring to approximately two feet above the screen intervals A nominal 4-foot bentonite pellet plug <br /> was then installed above the filter pack and hydrated The wells were then grouted to near the surface <br /> with portland cement Water-tight, traffic-rated well boxes were installed over the wells As-built <br /> well diagrams are depicted on the boring logs In Appendix A <br /> Advanced GeoEnviron mental,Inc <br />