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cr '� <br /> 19 July 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> 2 4 MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEY <br /> On 16 April 2004, monitoring wells MW-20,MW-21 and MW-22 were developed utilizing a steel <br /> bailer and a Waterra inertia pump equipped with hose bailer Ground water was purged from each <br /> monitoring well until ground water was visually sediment free Approximately 15 to 20 gallons of <br /> water were removed from each well Groundwater temperature,pH and conductivity were measured <br /> at regular intervals during purging using an Oakton water analyzer Field sheets and data are included <br /> In Appendix B Purged water was stored on-site In properly labeled, 55-gallon DOT-approved <br /> drums <br /> On 30 April 2004,a Callforma-state-licensed survey engineer from Morrow Surveying surveyed the <br /> location and elevation at the top of the well casing of monitoring wells EW-1 and MW-1 through <br /> MW-22 Elevations were surveyed to the nearest 0 01-foot relative to NAVD 88 Location <br /> coordinates (x and y) were surveyed to the nearest 0 1-foot using coordinate datum NAD 83 The <br /> results of the monitoring well survey are contained In Table 1 The surveying report (Morrow <br /> Surveying) is presented in Appendix C <br /> 2 5 WELL MONITORING AND PURGE PROCEDURES <br /> On 19 April 2004, a Solmst water level meter was used to measure the depth to ground water to the <br /> nearest 0 01-foot In monitoring wells MW-20,MW-21 and MW-22 The ground water elevation In <br /> each well was calculated by subtracting the depth to ground water from the surveyed well casing <br /> elevation After water levels were measured,wells MW-20,MW-21 and MW-22 were purged using <br /> a Waterra Inertial Pump Approximately 6 0 gallons of water(a minimum of 3 casing-water volumes <br /> per well)were removed from the wells Temperature, pH and conductivity of the purge water were <br /> measured at regular purge-volume Intervals using an Oakton water analyzer and the readings were <br /> recorded on field logs Field data and work sheets are Included in Appendix D The purged water <br /> was containerized In 55-gallon DOT-approved drums and stored on-site <br /> On 26 June 2004,twenty three on-and off-site ground water wells were monitored for depth to water <br /> and fourteen monitoring wells (MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, MW-11, MW-12 and MW14 through <br /> MW-22) were purged and sampled A Solinst water level meter was used to measure the depth to <br /> ground water to the nearest 0 01-foot In all twenty-three wells relative to the tops of the well casings <br /> The ground water elevation In each well was calculated by subtracting the depth to ground water <br /> from the surveyed well casing elevation (Table 1) <br /> After water levels were measured, wells MW-7, MW-11, and MW-14, were purged using new <br /> disposable plastic bailers Wells MW-8,MW-9,MW-12 and MW-15 through MW-22 were purged <br /> using a Waterra Inertial Pump <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />