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I' <br /> 19 July 1996 <br /> AGE-NC-95-0109 <br />' Page 3 of 6 <br />' 2.3.2. COLLECTION OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> Water samples were collected from each purged well using disposable plastic bailers. Immediately <br />' upon retrieval, the samples were transferred into 40-m1 EPA vials containing hydrochloric acid as <br /> a preservative and transported in a chilled container to McCampbell Analytical, Inc. (MAI). Samples <br /> were analyzed for TPH-g and BTE&X in accordance with EPA methods 5030/8015m, and 602, <br />' respectively. Samples from MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, MW-13, MW-14 and EW-1 were also analyzed <br /> for volatile halocarbons in accordance with EPA method 601. The sample from MW-14 was also <br /> analyzed for ethylene dibrornide (EDB) in accordance with EPA method 601. <br /> 3.0. FINDINGS <br /> 3.1. MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY IN GROUND WATER <br /> Microbiological plate counts from ground water samples collected during the second quarter of 1996 <br /> showed a general decrease. Nutrient concentrations have also shown a general decrease at the site <br /> during the past quarter. Microbiological data for ground water is summarized on Table 1 and Table <br /> 2. The laboratory reports (A. Keith Kaufinan - May 14, 1996 June 1, 1996 and June 28 1996) and <br /> chain-of custody forms are included in Appendix B. <br /> 3.2. SOIL VAPOR SAMPLING <br /> Concentrations of organic vapors (OV) measured in the wells remained low during the second <br /> quarter of 1996. In each well, carbon dioxide readings are negatively correlated with oxygen <br /> concentrations.The correlation between carbon dioxide and oxygen continues to be predictable. OV <br /> measurements tend to correspond with carbon dioxide readings. Concentrations of carbon dioxide <br /> were generally low over the southern half of the site, moderate over the northern half of the site, and <br /> increased off-site. All soil vapor field data is sununarized in Table 3. Charts 1 - 7 (Appendix E) show <br /> concentrations of CO2, Oz and organic vapors versus time for wells VW-1, VW-3, VW-4, VW-5, <br /> MSV-5, MW-11 and MW-14. <br /> Nitrogen was detected in soil gas samples from MW-3, MW-4 and MW-14 at concentration of 78% <br /> to 79%. Oxygen was detected at concentrations ranging from 19% to 22%. Carbon dioxide was <br /> detected at concentrations ranging from 0.2% to 1.0%. Methane and carbon monoxide were not <br /> detected in the three soil gas samples analyzed. Analytical results are summarized on Table 4. The <br /> laboratory report and chain-of-custody form are included in Appendix C. <br /> I <br />