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19 July 1996 <br /> AGE-NC-95-0109 <br /> Page 4of6 <br /> 3.3. GROUND WATER GRADIENT AND DIRECTION <br /> The depth to ground water ranges from 54.8 feet below surface grade (bsg) at the north end of the <br /> site to 56.8 feet bsg south of the site. The data indicates an average drop of ground water elevation <br /> of 0.45 feet since March 1996. Ground water elevations are summarized on Table 5. <br />' Ground water elevation contours, based upon data collected on 17 June 1996, are depicted in Figure <br /> 3. The flow direction is towards the south and, as in previous monitoring events, the gradient <br /> steepens towards the south end of the site. <br /> I <br />' 3.4. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED GROUND WATER <br /> In April 1996, TPH-g was detected in MW-14 at a concentration of 2,800 ,ugll (micrograms per liter <br /> or parts per billion: ppb); BTE&X were detected in MW-14 at concentrations ranging from 19 ppb <br /> (ethyl benzene) to 350 ppb (xylenes). Only xylene was detected in EW-i at a concentration of 0.85 <br /> ppb in April 1996. In May 1996, TPH-g was detected in MW-14 at a concentration of 1,700 ppb. <br /> BTE&X were detected at concentrations ranging froze. 9.2 ppb (ethyl benzene) to 120 ppb (xylenes). <br /> Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the sample from EW-I during the May monitoring. <br /> During the June 1996 sampling, petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in ground water samples <br /> from six of the ten wells sampled. TPH-g concentrations ranged from below detection limits to <br /> 11,000 ppb (MW-9); detectable BTE&X concentrations ranged up to 430 ppb (ethylbenzene, MW- <br /> 9). TPH-g and BTE&X were not detected in samples fro3n MW-6, MW-10, MW-12 and MW-13 <br /> during the June 1996 sampling. <br /> Between March and .lune 1996, TPH-g concentrations increased in six of the ten wells sampled and <br /> remained below detection limits in four wells sampled. Benzene concentrations increased in one <br /> well, decreased in two wells and remained undetectable in the remaining seven wells. Charts 8 - 13 <br /> (Appendix E) illustrate benzene concentrations verses time for monitoring wells MW-6, MW-8, <br /> MW-9, MW-10, MW-14 and EW-1. <br /> EDB was detected in the sample from MW-14 at a concentration of 1.0 ppb. 1,2-Dichloroethane was <br /> detected in samples from EW-1, MW-8, MW-9, MW-13 and MW-14 at concentrations of 1.2 ppb, <br /> 1.8 ppb, 47 ppb, 1.5 ppb and 240 ppb, respectively. This is a concentration increase in four of seven <br /> wells compared to the previous monitoring results. Chloroethane, tetrachloroethene and other <br /> volatile halocarbons were not detected in any of the water samples analyzed. Analytical results of <br /> ground water samples are summarized on Tables 6 and 7. The laboratory report (MAI Laboratory <br /> I. D. Nos. 64509, 64510, 65386, 63587 and 66164 through 66173) and chain-of-custody forms are <br /> included in Appendix D. <br /> I <br />