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�. W-101 <br /> Harlen Knoll <br /> February 2, 1990 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Shallow groundwater at the site was encountered at a depth of 12 feet below the asphalt- <br /> covered surface of the Ford Dealership. Regional groundwater flow direction is believed <br /> to be to the northeast. Based on this information, Murray & Associates proposes that a <br /> monitoring well (MW-1) be placed northeast of the former waste oil tank within 10 feet <br /> of the excavation. The remaining two wells will be placed on the property at the locations <br /> shown on Figure 1. <br /> WELL INSTALLATION <br /> Murray & Associates proposes to install all three groundwater monitoring wells down to <br /> a depth of 25 feet. The wells will be installed using a 10-inch diameter hollow-stem auger <br /> drilling rig. The wells will be constructed with 15-feet of factory slotted well screen located <br /> at the 7 to 22-foot depth interval. This will result in the screened intervals being placed <br /> so that 10 feet of screen will be below and 5 feet of screen will be above the water table. <br /> All three wells will use 4-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC blank casing and slotted screen. <br /> Filter pack material and slot size will be engineered based on soil samples collected from <br /> the soil/water interface at the base of the tank excavation. <br /> Each well will be constructed by installing flush-threaded casing and slotted screen down <br /> through the hollow stem of the auger. Filter pack material will be placed by backfilling <br /> the annulus between the borehole wall and the well screen as the auger is retracted. Filter <br /> pack material will be placed to extend 2 feet over the top of the well screen. A 2-foot <br /> layer of bentonite pellets will be installed above the filter pack in the same manner as the <br /> filter pack material was placed. The bentonite seal will then be allowed to hydrate for <br /> approximately 30 minutes. Following hydration of the seal, a cement/bentonite grout will <br /> be pumped into place and will extend from the top of the seal to the surface. The well <br /> will then be completed below grade with the installation of a traffic rated. Figure 2 <br /> provides an example of the typical well to be installed during this phase of the <br /> investigation. <br /> Surveying <br /> Upon completion of all three wells, the areal location and casing elevation of each well will <br /> be surveyed and added to the existing site plan. Casing elevations will be used to obtain <br /> accurate groundwater elevations, and thus, flow direction. A total station surveying unit <br /> will be used to obtain the location and elevation data. <br /> Well Development <br /> Well development for the two new wells will be accomplished by swabbing the inside of <br /> each well with a surge block in a plunger-like fashion and then pumping the wells with a <br />