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z <br /> 101 <br /> IN <br /> m <br /> 01 <br /> i <br /> a� <br /> t15 11.Jt1 113:U.1 x.11 Id1S :17: :47:11Y I11'tiltat t;kE�;t; l�julle <br /> ' f t4g�u:s�S31-001,hlth&sfc <br /> The Project Safety Officer is respunsl-ble for assisting the:Protect Manager with the on-site <br /> iWlemeatation of the site safety plan. His responsIbllifics include: 1.) maintaining safety <br /> e(ruigment and -applies, 2)performing air quality measurements as required, 3)directing <br /> decontamination and emergency response operations, 4) setting up work none signs and <br /> markers where such are specified in the plan,and a) rep-ting all incidents,accidents and <br /> infractions of the safety rules or recpdr-s set forth in the plan to the Traject hI'anager and <br /> the Nealttl and Safety Officers. <br /> The hfealth and Safety Site officer has the authority to suspend warm at any time he <br /> determines that the provisions of the safety plan are inadequate to provide a working <br /> environment conducive to workor sfety and he is to inform the Project Manager of <br /> individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their het lth and safety or the health and <br /> safety of others. <br /> P <br /> 3.0 WORK DESCRIl''l"fON <br /> The activities on the site will involve the drilling of 15 soil borings around the undergrouud <br /> storage tanle;, fuel lines and dispensers,and former waste ail tank locations_ The drilling <br /> -pnll involve the use of a hollow-stem auger drill rig. The borings near the tanks are <br /> expected to be drilled to a depth of 20 feet below the surface with samplescollected at five- <br /> `' foot intervals. Five ad'.lidonal hared-wiger borings and associated sampling will take place <br /> at various locations in the tire service building. <br /> The samples will be screened by sight and odor for hydrocarbons and with an Organic <br /> Vapor ,Analyzer (OVA). 1£there is evidence of hydrocarbons in the +itl at 20 feet, the <br /> boring will be deepened (to a -maidmlurn of 50 icct) until there~- no evidence of <br /> hydrocarbons. <br /> A hydrogeologist froth 1:=SE will monitor the operations and record data from the borings. <br /> la the went an Incident occurs, reports <br /> will b-- prepared by the Project Safety Officer and <br /> forwarded to the Project Manag:,r and Health and Safety Officer. <br /> ' Other regular visitors including contractors and on-site service and operations personnel will <br /> be briefed on safety procedures. <br /> i The ambient air onsite will be continually monitored for vapors with the OVA Levels <br /> exceeding the exposure liutiits Mow, or any onsite personnel complaints of unusual <br /> tos, such as those listed below,will require all onsite peisonnel to wear respirators <br /> 4 <br /> eprupcd with organic vapor filler~, or else leave the work area. <br /> 3 <br /> r <br />