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cecchuu, cecchuu, and Cwvawwm.Fueling Island <br /> 3.0 Procedures <br /> 3.1 Ground Water Mevaficnn Measurement <br /> On October 4, 1996, FSE staff measured the depth to water in monitoring wells UST-1 <br /> through UST-5, and the "Small' well using an electromc interface probe Ground water <br /> depths were measured with respect to the surveyed datum at the top of each well casing <br /> Measurements of depth to water are presented in Table 1 - Ground Water Elevation Data <br /> 3.2 Ground Water Sampling <br /> /On October 4, 1996, ESE staff collected ground water samples from monitoring wells <br /> UST-2 through UST-5. UST-5 replaced UST-1 for sampling Prior to the collection of <br /> ground water samples a mmunum of three well casing volumes of ground water were <br /> purged using a vacuum truck A vacuum truck was employed in order to reduce cross- <br /> contamination between wells, reduce decontamination-related water use, and reduce onsite <br /> costs. During the purging process, the pH, temperature, and conductivity of the <br /> extracted ground water were measured Samples were collected when final field <br /> measurements of pH, temperature, and conductivity were within 15 percent of the prior <br /> measurement, and the purged water was clear for each well <br /> Ground water samples were then collected from the wells by lowering a new (precleaned) <br /> disposable polyethylene bailer in the well using new, disposable nylon cord. The filled <br /> bailer was retrieved, emptied, then filled again The ground water from this bailer was <br /> then decanted into appropriate laboratory-supplied glassware. The containers were filled <br /> such that no headspace was present in the samples in order to avoid volatilization of the <br /> sample The filled sample containers were then labeled and placed in a cooler under ice <br /> for transport under chain-of-custody documentation to McCampbell Analytical Inc. <br /> (McCampbell), a California-certified laboratory <br /> Purge water was placed <br /> in labeled drums and remains onsite in a secure area of the site <br /> A duplicate sample, collected from UST-2, and a laboratory-supplied trip blank consisting <br /> of deionized water, were also transported to McCampbell with the other ground water <br /> samples The duplicate sample provides a quality control check on ESE sample <br /> collection procedures and laboratory handling procedures The trip blank provides a <br /> quality control check on ESE sample handling procedures and documents any <br /> f 169254001gtr1y rptl3gti96 rpt 4 Environmental Science do Engineering, Inc <br />