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Cecd=, Cecchou, and Gtovannoni, Fueling Island <br /> Beginning on April 4, 1995 UST-2, UST-3, and UST-4 were installed and were <br /> completed on April 5, 1995 Soil samples from the exploratory borings for each new <br /> well were capped, labeled, and placed in an ice chest under chain-of-custody for transport <br /> to a California Certified Laboratory The soil samples were tested for Total Petroleum <br /> Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPH-D) using EPA method 3553/8015 modified, for Total <br /> Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) using EPA method 503018015, and for <br /> benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA method 5030/8020 <br /> Soils encountered in the three borings consisted of interbedded fine-grained materials <br /> ranging from silty sands to sandy silts to the depths explored From the surface, the soils <br /> consist of sandy silt (ML) to a depth of about 15 feet bgs Silty sand (SM) was logged <br /> between the depths of 15 feet bgs to 30 feet bgs Sandy silt (ML) was logged between 30 <br /> feet bgs and 65 feet bgs with increasing amounts of sand between 65 feet bgs and 80 feet <br /> bgs A coarse, poorly-graded medium sand (SP) was encountered between 80 feet bgs <br /> and 85 feet bgs On April 11, 1995, ESE personnel supervised the development of each <br /> new monitoring well by Spectrum Drilling Services Well development consisted of <br /> surging the well and removal of fines using a steel bailer <br /> el returned to the site to supervise additional purging of <br /> On April 14, 1995, ESE personas pe p g g <br /> the wells by Automated Environmental Services Well development and purging was <br /> completed by the recovery of clear ground water after 60 gallons had been removed from <br /> UST-2, 60 gallons from UST-3, and 45 gallons from UST-4 A survey of the top of <br /> casing elevations of all wells onsite was made by Frame Surveying & Mapping, of Davis, <br /> California Top of casing elevations ranged from 27 64 feet to 30 15 feet relative to City <br /> of Stockton Benchmark No 191 <br /> Quarterly ground water monitoring and sampling has contmued in wells UST-1 through <br /> UST-4 since May 16, 1995 At the request of the SJCEHD, ESE installed a shallow <br /> ground water montoring well designated UST-5 on June 13, 1996 The findings for <br /> UST-5 were reported by ESE in the Second Quarter 1996 Ground Water Monitoring <br /> Report The following section describes the most recent results of quarterly monitoring <br /> and sampling <br /> f 169254W\gtriy rptl3gtr96 rpt 3 Environmental Science&Engineenng, Inc <br />