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i <br /> CECCIIAYI, CECCMAT,AND GIOVANNOM,FUELING ISL M <br /> 2.0 ENSTALLATEON (DIF HEW M(D=ORHHG WELLS <br /> Three additional monitoring wells were proposed by ESE to further monitor hydrocarbons in <br /> ground water beneath the fuel island in a workplan dated September 19, 1994 An addendum to <br /> the workplan dated January 24, 1995 was prepared to document changes location of the wells per <br /> a letter dated December 5, 1994 from Mr Michael Infurna of the SJCEHD. The permit for <br /> monitoring well installation approved on March 22, 1995. <br /> In EXPLORATORY IDIlgIIILILENG <br /> As described in the work plan, a mobil drill rig equipped with hollow-stem auger was used to <br /> make the three bore holes Work commenced on April 4, 1995 and was completed by April 5, <br /> 1995 Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals using a modified split-spoon sampler Soils <br /> were described using the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM 2488-84) The exploratory <br /> boring UST-2 was located on the West side of the fuel island, exploratory boring UST-3 was <br /> located on the North side of the fuel island and exploratory boring UST-4 was located on the <br /> Southeast side of the fuel island <br /> Soil samples selected for laboratory analysis were capped, labeled and placed in an ice chest <br /> under chain-of-custody for transport to a California Certified Laboratory Soils were tested for <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPH-D) using EPA method 3553/8015 modified, for <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) using EPA method 503018015, and for <br /> benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA method 5030/8020 The findings <br /> of these tests are presented in Section 4 <br /> Soils encountered in the three borings consist of interbedded fine materials ranging from silty <br /> sands to sandy silts to the depths explored From the surface, the soils consist of sandy silt (ML) <br /> to a depth of about 15 feet bgs Silty sand (SM) was logged between the depths of 15 feet bgs to <br /> 30 feet bgs Sandy silt (ML) was logged between 30 feet bgs and 65 feet bgs with increasing <br /> amounts of sand between 65 feet bgs and 80 feet bgs. A coarse poorly graded medium sand (SP) <br /> was encountered between 80 feet bgs and 85 feet bgs Detailed soil descriptions are given on <br /> each boring log presented in Appendix A <br /> 2.2 MOMTOWNG WELL CONS 'IlgUMON <br /> After the completion of the exploratory drilling, monitoring wells consisting of 2-inch diameter <br /> schedule 40 PVC casing were constricted in each bore hole The three monitoring wells were of <br /> similar construction Twenty feet of well screen with 0 02 inch machine slot was installed <br /> F W92540=QM95 RPT 2 Environmental Science&Engineenng,Inc <br />