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CECCHIA7 CECCHIM,AND GIOVANNOhTI,FUELING ISLAND <br /> 3.0 GROUND WATIER DIOL`Erf UIIB NG I ROCIFOURM <br /> On May 16, 1995, Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc (ESE) staff measured water levels <br /> In wells SI-1, SI-2, SI-3, UST-1 through UST-4 and purged and sampled wells UST-1 through <br /> UST-4 <br /> ESE first measured the static water level in the wells using an electronic interface probe Then, <br /> using an electric submersible pump, 25 to 70 gallons of water were purged from wells UST-1 <br /> through UST-4 During the purging process, the pH, temperature and conductivity of the <br /> extracted ground water were measured The well purging was considered complete when a <br /> minimum of three well volumes of ground water were evacuated, the final field measurements of <br /> pH, temperature and conditions were within 15 percent of the prior measurement, and the purged <br /> water was clear <br /> The ground water sample was then collected from the wells by lowering a new (precleaned) <br /> disposable polyethylene bailer in the well using new, disposable nylon cord The filled bailer was <br /> retrieved, emptied, then filled again The ground water from this bailer was then decanted into <br /> appropriate laboratory supplied glassware. The containers were filled such that no headspace was <br /> present in the samples in order to avoid volatilization of the sample The filled sample containers <br /> were then labeled and placed in a cooler under ice for transport under chain of custody <br /> documentation to McCampbell Analytical, a California-certified laboratory ESE documented the <br /> sampling procedures on the attached Well Sampling Field Log (Appendix C) Purge water was <br /> placed in labeled drums and remains on site in a secure area of the site <br /> A trip blank consisting of deionized water was provided by the ESE laboratoryas a check on <br /> sample handling procedures The trip blank accompanied the samples to the laboratory <br /> The ground water sample from UST-1 was analyzed at the laboratory for <br /> 0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D) using EPA Method 3550/8015 <br /> Modified, and <br /> a Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) using EPA Method 503018015, <br /> and <br /> 0 Benzene, Toluene Eth lbenzene, and Xylenes �TEX) using EPA Method <br /> 5030/8020 <br /> The trip blank was only analyzed for BTEX <br /> F 1692540012QM95 RPT 4 Environmeraai Science do Engineering,Inc <br />