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4.0 R ECOMMEMDA'II ORIS <br />' 1. ESE recommends continued quarterly monitoring of all monitoring wells at the site. <br /> 9 Y g g <br /> The recommended monitoring program is as follows <br /> Quarterly water level measurements in all monitoring wells. An attempt <br /> should be made to re-fit piping on the water supply wells such that water level <br /> measurement is possible; <br /> 0 Quarterly ground water sampling with analysis for TPP as gasoline and diesel <br /> and BTIEX in well UST-1; and <br /> O Quarterly reporting of all site activities related to the underground tank area <br /> (fueling island). <br /> 2. Due to the continued presence of low concentrations of benzene and toluene in well <br /> UST-1, ESE recommends re-initiation of interim remedial activities for First Quarter <br /> 1994. Interim remediation was performed during the Third Quarter of 1993. Well <br /> UST-1 was pumped on a weekly basis dunng this period. ESE recommends that <br /> continued pumping of the well be completed at a nummum on a bi-weekly (twice a <br /> month) basis. All purge water should be properly disposed of. <br /> 3. ESE also recommends utilizing a downhole camera to determine the screened <br /> interval in the second water supply well at the site. The purpose of this effort is to <br /> determine if these wells can be utilized for monitoring ground water gradient and <br /> possibly water quality. Determination of how these pumping wells affect the site <br /> ground water gradient is necessary before any additional ground water monitoring <br /> wells are placed at the site. <br /> Y <br /> 4 Additional ground water monitoring wells and vadose zone recovery wells should be <br /> placed at the site in order to define the plume of petroleum hydrocarbons in ground <br /> water and remediate the unsaturated soil zone. <br /> F\6M400\4QTRGWM RPT 7 Enwonmenraf Science&Engweenn& Inc <br />