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� , ,.. - - a_ _ - _ _ a - � � ._ �- c _ ' .__ e. a_ •...-"yam <br />' r 28 January 2005 <br /> . AGE-NC Project No 97-0312 ` <br />' Page 3 of 4 S <br /> 3 1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT _ <br /> Depths to ground water at the site ranged from 70 20 feet to 70 97 feet below the tops of the well <br /> casings The ground water elevations in wells UST-2 through UST-6 ranged between 42 18 feet <br />' (UST-4) and 42 34 feet(UST-6)below mean sea level (MSL), the average ground water elevation <br /> at the site during the fourth quarter 2004 was�142 27 feet below MSL,an increase of 2 0 feet since the <br />' August 2004 monitoring event The ground water table occurred within the screened intervals of <br /> monitoring wells UST-2 through UST-6 Monitoring well UST-7 was designed to monitor deeper <br /> ground water, with a 5-foot screened interval set at approximately 16 feet below the water table, <br /> since it is possibly monitoring a different hydraulic zone,UST-7 was not used to determine gradient <br /> and flow direction <br /> _ a <br /> The ground water flow direction during fourth quarter 2004 was radially inwards towards a <br /> northeast-trending trough in the potentiometric surface(Figure 3),net ground water flow is inferred <br /> to be towards the northeast at low hydraulic gradients of 0 001 foot/foot (ft/ft) or less <br /> The Cherokee Truck Stop monitoring data was combined with monitoring data collected from the <br /> adjacent Moore Truck Lines property to determine an approximate regional ground water flow <br /> direction towards the northeast (Figure 3) <br /> lie . <br /> 3 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> No target analytes were detected at or above laboratory reporting limits in the ground water samples <br /> collected this quarter The laboratory report -(CTEL Project No CT214-0411130), quality <br /> assurance/quality control (QA/QC)report, and chain of custody forms are included in Appendix B <br /> Analytical results of water samples collected during the fourth quarter 2004 are summarized in <br /> Table 2 The analytical results of historical water samples are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 <br /> Documents confirming the upload of laboratory electronic deliverable format(EDF)files and depth <br />' to water measurements to GeoTracker are included in Appendix C <br /> I <br />' 4.0. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> Based upon data collected from the site, AGE concludes <br /> • Ground water elevation decreased approximately 2 0 feet at the site between the August 2004 <br /> and November 2004 monitoring events The inferred ground water flow direction was <br />' generally toward the northeast at hydraulic gradients of 0 001 ft/ft or less <br /> ' , 3 <br />' Advancer!GeoEnvironmental,Ice <br /> r <br />