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16 October 1996 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0165 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> r dispenser areas. Analytical results of soil samples from the UST over excavation are included in <br /> ,•W Table 2. The laboratory report(McCampbell Analytical,Laboratory-ID 50116 to 50118) and chain- <br /> of-custody form are included in Appendix B. <br /> �. Excavated soil was stockpiled at the south end of the site. Soil excavated during the UST removal <br /> was subsequently moved to this area. <br /> Law <br /> 3.2. AERATION OF EXCAVATED SOIl. <br /> The stockpiled,soil was aerated for approximately six to seven months, under permit from the San <br /> Joaquin Unified Air Pollution Control District. One composite soil sample was collected in July <br /> 1995, to confirm the success of the soil aeration. Analytical results of stockpile soil sample; as <br /> summarized on Table 3, indicated the non-detection of TPH-g and BTE&X. Subsequently, the soil <br /> was used for on-site grading purposes. The laboratory report,,.(McCampbeli.Analytical Laboratory <br /> ID 5442 1) and chain-of-custody are included in Appendix C. <br /> 3.3. DRILLING AND SAMPLING - - <br /> On 09 May 1996, four soil borings were drilled at the site. Each boring was drilled using a truck- <br /> mounted HT-55 drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. The drill rig and two-man crew were <br /> P <br /> supplied by Soil Explorations Services, Inc. of Rancho Cordova, California. Borings B-1 and B-3 <br /> were advanced forty feet bsg.Boring B-2 was advanced to fifty-five feet bsg. Boring B-4 was drilled <br /> under the building to a vertical depth of twenty-three feet bsg at an angle of twenty degrees from <br /> vertical. <br /> Soil samples were collected from ahead of the drill bit using a split-tube sampler loaded with three <br /> pre-cleaned two-inch by six-inch brass sleeves. Samples were'collected at five-foot intervals, using <br /> Lao a 140-pound hammer to advance the sampler eighteen inches. The number of blows required to <br /> advance the sample in six-inch increments was recorded on the boring log. To avoid cross- <br /> contamination, the sampling equipment was washed in an alconox solution and rinsed twice with <br /> water prior to each sample run. The augers were steam-cleaned between borings. <br /> The leading soil-filled sleeve from each sampling nin was preserved for laboratory analysis. Both <br /> ends of the lead sleeve were covered with Teflon sheets, capped and sealed with tape. The samples <br /> were stored in a chilled container and transported under chain-of-custody to McCampbell Analytical <br /> Laboratory,Inc. (MAI)of Pacheco,California. Selected.samples were analyzed for TPH-g,BTE&X <br /> and methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in accordance with EPA methods 8015m, 8020 and 8020, <br /> respectively. <br />