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07 February 1996 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0162 <br /> Page 5 of 5 <br /> 10. Selected soil samples will be analyzed for TPH-g, BTE&X and MTBE in accordance with the <br /> appropriate EPA methods. Also selected soil samples will be analyzed for permeability, <br /> moisture content and porosity in accordance with appropriate ASTM and EPA methods. <br /> 11. Cuttings and rinseate generated during drilling activities will be containerized in properly <br /> labeled D.O.T. model 17H 55-gallon drums, and stored on-site in an area inaccessible to the <br /> general public. Disposal alternatives will be evaluated based on results of laboratory analyses. <br /> Convert the bores as two-inch diameter monitoring wells in accordance with the well design <br /> in Figure 3. <br /> 12. Develop new monitoring wells utilizing a submersible pump until water is essentially sediment <br /> free. <br /> 13. Survey the top of each well casing to the nearest 1/100th of an inch to determine the elevation <br /> relative to existing wells. <br /> 14. No sooner than 48 hours after installation of ground water monitoring wells, measure to the <br /> nearest 0.01 foot the static water level in the wells. <br /> 15. Using a dedicated bailer or submersible pump, surge and purge all wells. At least three well <br /> volumes of water will be removed from each well to stabilize temperature, pH, and <br /> conductivity; stabilization parameters will be measured at one-well volume intervals. Ground <br /> water samples will be collected using polyethylene disposable bailers; samples will be <br /> collected in 1-liter amber bottles 40-m1 VOA vials preserved with hydrochloric acid. <br /> 16. Label and log water samples on a chain-of-custody form. <br /> 17. Store the samples in a chilled container under ice and transport under chain-of-custody <br /> procedure to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. Water samples will be analyzed for <br /> TPH-g, BTE&X and MTBE in accordance with EPA methods 5030/8015 and 602, <br /> respectively. <br /> 18. Store purged water in properly labeled D.O.T. model 17H 55-gallon drums on-site in an area <br /> inaccessible to the general public, pending analytical results. <br /> 4.2. REPORTING <br /> A report detailing the results of the investigations will be prepared. The report will be in a format <br /> acceptable to the PHS-EHD and CVRWQCB. The report will be reviewed and signed by a <br /> Registered Geologist. <br />