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nitrogen), 282 cubic feet Oxygen compressed gas, and the 220 gallons of Ethanol -mixture. These are listed on the site <br />map but also must be added to the inventory. <br />Additionally, please make corrections to the rejected submittals on CERS. <br />Please note, your return to compliance is past due. After 30 days from the date of inspection, time may be billable at the <br />rate of current EHD rate ($152/hr). <br />Immediately update the hazardous materials inventory and resubmit to CERS. You can contact me with any questions or <br />assistance at (209) 468-3562. <br />Thank you, <br />Christine Lawrence, EHS <br />From: <> <br />Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:21 PM <br />To: Christine Lawrence <> <br />Subject: RE: Reminder: Your Return to Compliance Certification is Due Soon <br />Christine: <br />Please see the notes below: <br />1) <br />2) Site map has been modified and submitted in CERS— Done and posted in CERS <br />The site map is still missing the following elements: <br />1. Entrances and exits for each building/facility structure storing hazardous materials <br />2. Location of the Oxygen, N -pact, and Ethanol Mixture <br />3. Emergency evacuation area <br />4. Chemical loading areas <br />5. Storm and sewer drains <br />6. Emergency shut -offs <br />• If any of the above do not apply to your facility, please list the item and write N/A on the site map. For <br />example:" Emergency Shut -offs: N/A" <br />3) Oil pickup manifests received and attached Do you have any more recent manifests? The most recent is from <br />12/4/18 and as a small generator, the waste oil must be managed within 6 months/180 days of accumulation. <br />If you do not have any recent manifests, can you please send me a statement of your intended future <br />management practices. — I do not have more manifests. I have put our facility on a keep -empty routine with <br />Ramos Oil as of this month, so they will be coming every 2 months to empty waste oil. The first one is <br />sometime this week. <br />Still need: <br />✓ Update Hazardous Materials on CERS to include reportable quantities of Oxygen, N -pact, and Ethanol Mixture — <br />Done and posted in CERS <br />✓ Bills of lading for used oil filters— Oil filters were taken to Tracy Material Recovery and disposed along with other <br />stuff. There are many many receipts for that facility that we have but the receipts do not itemize anything so it <br />will not say oil filters. However, in the future, Ramos Oil will be taking our used oil filters when they come to <br />pick up waste oil, so the filters will be shown in the bill of lading they leave with us. <br />