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A WEGE geologist working under the direct supervision of California Registered <br /> Geologist #3037 utilized V&W Drilling GeoProbe direct push drilling rig,to continuously <br /> core and sample five probes, see Figure 3 and Appendix C - borehole logs All probe <br /> holes encountered groundwater between 11 and 12 feet below the surface (bts) The <br /> probe holes were destroyed the day they were drilled <br /> Probe holes P8 and P9 were sited to define the western edge, lateral extent of the <br /> hydrocarbon plume <br /> Probe hole P8 was sited approximately 32 feet west of previous probe hole P-3 performed <br /> by TEG (October 1995) P8 was necessary to determine the lateral extent of the first <br /> water zone (A Zone) hydrocarbon plume extent P8 was continuously cored (four foot <br /> sections) to 15 feet bts where a hydropunch water sample was obtained from 15 to 16 feet <br /> bts (P8-16W) <br /> Probe hole P9 was sited eight feet west of P8 Continuous cores were obtained from 16 <br /> feet bts to 26 feet bts Between 26 feet bts to 32 feet bts flowing sands were encountered <br /> Jamming the core barrel and no core recovery was possible Continuous cores were then <br /> obtained from 32 feet bts to total depth of 36 feet bts Prior to advancing the cores below <br /> 30 feet bts a hydropunch water sample was obtained from 30 to 32 feet bts (P9-30W) <br /> Probe hole 10 was sited 42 feet west-northwest of monitor well MW3 This probe was <br /> sited to detect the upper and lower elevations of the first water zone and to determine the <br /> southern extent of the plume downgradient of the site Continuous cores were obtained <br /> from 8 feet bts to 24 feet bts The core barrel Jammed at 24 feet bts and the hole was <br /> terminated Prior to coring 16 feet bts a hydropunch water sample was obtained from 16 <br /> to 17 feet bts (top of water P 10-16W) <br /> Probe hole 11 was sited south of P 10 to investigate below where P 10 Jammed, 24 feet bts <br /> Continuous cores were obtained from 24 feet to 36 feet bts A hydropunch water sample <br /> was obtained between 32 and 36 feet bts prior to coring below the 32 foot depth (P11-32- <br /> 36W) A hydropunch water sample was attempted below the 36 foot depth from 36 to 40 <br /> feet bts The minibailer came up dry with fine sand on the tip after 15 minutes waiting <br /> for water to enter the hydropunch screen <br /> Probe hole 12 was sited 44 feet west of MW 1 (most contaminated well onsite) to obtain <br /> cores and water samples from the top sand interval Continuous cores were obtained <br /> from 8 to 16 feet bts A hydropunch water sample was obtained between 16 and 17 feet <br /> bts (P l 2-16W) <br /> Based on the inspection of cores from P8 through P12 and laboratory results obtained <br /> from the hydropunch water samples it was determined that two distinct water zones were <br /> present and that cluster wells would need to be installed to isolate the two zone and to <br /> document site remediation and conditions <br /> 6 Sanchez 2nd QM 2001 <br />